Rob Shoesmith, a 29-year-old who works for Medl Mobile, is already in line for the iPhone 5 at London's Covent Garden Apple Store, reports
The 29-year-old has been given everything from scented candles and aftershave to use of a £20,000 Chevrolet car, £800 worth of outdoor gear and food from top restaurants.
The freebie grabbing is part of a publicity stunt while he camps outside London's flagship Apple store to be first in line for the new iPhone 5 later this year.
Shoesmith plans to use his blog to promote companies that donate products and services to help him with the experience. The stunt will also help him build contacts for Medl Mobile, the app development company he is marketing manager for.
Reusable items that Shoesmith receives while waiting for the iPhone will be donated to charity once the wait is over.
I pre order my iphone and get it a night before release but i have to wait till midnight to activate it. Pretty sure i get it before the camper cuz srore open at 8 or 9 in the morning
Can apple enable a the passcode on your iPad2 if you use the same apple id as the one you use for your jail broken phone when you sync through your iTunes? Some of the apps are cracked on the laptop!
On all of the stunt that this guy wanna do..? Why camping and waiting for the release of the new iPhone? This guy wanna be first to have the unit? I tell you bro your not the first, you do realize that who ever made it and give it to, he or she is the first of all.. And as for the public, who ever goes on the front door of apple gets the first unit in public, same goes on the other countries.. So your not the first evryone is.
Apple fans has no life, joke!!
I mean you can be happy when you get an apple product, but lining up, living in a tent just for a piece of technology is for someone who has no job, no home etc.
They haven't even set a date. If they announce it in August it won't be released until AT LEAST September. This guy is going to spend an entire month is a freaking tent. If I had the option though I think that I'd be doing the same.