How to Jailbreak Your iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G Using Limera1n (Windows)
Posted October 9, 2010 at 7:38pm by iClarified
These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G using Limera1n for Windows. Limera1n supports iOS 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, and 4.1.
Step One Open your web browser of choice and navigate to Click the Download for Windows link at the bottom of the screen.
Step Two When prompted save the download to your desktop
Step Three Double click the limera1n.exe file from the desktop to launch the application
Step Four Click the large make it ra1n button
Step Five You iPod will now be placed in recovery mode.
Press both the power and the home buttons.
When Limera1n asks you to, release the power button.
Your phone will now be in DFU mode
As limera1n performs its exploit you will see the image of a lime raindrop on your iPod.
Limera1n will let you know when it is complete.
Step Six After you power back on your iPod you will see a new icon on the SpringBoard entitled limera1n. Press it to continue.
Step Seven Once Limera1n opens select Cydia then press the Install button at the top right of the screen.
Step Eight Once the Cydia installation has completed you must reboot your iPod.
Step Nine When your iPod has restarted you can run Cydia. Let it do all the necessary updates.
NOTE*: To remove the limera1n icon from your desktop you can install CyDelete from Cydia then use it to delete the application. Eventually this capability should be present in limera1n itself.
***A big thanks goes everyone who made this jailbreak possible.
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After the last step, what should I do? I clicked on the cydia icon and it says there: Who are you? User (Graphic only), Hacker (+ Command Line), and Developer (No filters). Which one should I click? Or do I just bought apps from itunes (on laptop or ipod?) Please reply asap. Thanks.
i have the new ipod touch 4g 4.1 OS and i'm wondering if anybody has successfully jailbroken this with either limera1n or greenpois0n.
also, has anybody encountered any problems during this process?
Please answer me, by mistake I applied the new Limr1n JB on my iphone 3GS which was on IOS 3.0.2 before upgrading it to 4.1, and now the device is freezed on the apple symbol and is not able to connect to itunes to reset it. Any suggestion? I know it's a silly mistake but it happens :(
make sure you ipod/phone is OFF and so far NOT connected to the usb lead.
Now have itunes open and you USB in but not connected to ur phone/ipod.
now whilst the device is OFF hold your finger on the home button and keep it there!!! then plug it into the usb and keep holding home and wait............. for ages , maybe 30 seconds or more. after a short time your computer/itunes will now recognise you device and detect it as in recovery. okay. HTH
damn it!!!! i just updated my 4.0 jailbroken ipod thinking this works. now im stuck with this useless 4.1. my cydia and my installus is gone!!! :-(
somebody please help. please update asap.
Try do the jailbreaking again, BUT leave iTunes open while doing the jailbreaking steps, ignore any iTunes messages, just go through with the jailbreaking.
I stand corrected. I apologize to those I was disrespectful to. It worked for me. I tried it connected to a dell (Windows based) computer and the 1st try it worked. Previously, I was using my iMac (VMware Fusion software ) with windows. Again my apologize.