March 16, 2025
iPhone 4 從 1,000 英呎高空摔下安然無恙

iPhone 4 從 1,000 英呎高空摔下安然無恙

Posted March 23, 2011 at 12:13pm by iClarified
EnglishChinese (Traditional)
據 iLounge 報導,美國空軍作戰控管員沃克 (Ron Walker),在擔任跳傘長的時候不小心將他的 iPhone 4 摔出飛機之外。

沃克的職務需要在指示傘兵跳下之前,先確認飛機是否處在正確的位置。就在他將身子探出飛機外尋找地標的時候,他的 iPhone 從口袋中飛了出去。

飛機降落之後,沃克跟同事講述此事,結果使用同事手機下載了尋找 iPhone 的應用程式 (Find My iPhone app)。花費大約一分鐘就找到這隻手機掉落的位置,約在兩英里外,位於雙線道高速公路與一個湖泊之間的茂密樹林中。沃克與友人使用地圖定位出地點,然後搭全地形運輸車出發找尋手機,希望能將裡面的資料備份到另一隻手機當中。一小時後,兩人精確定位出手機落在一棵樹的旁邊,終於成功尋獲。不僅運作一切正常,上面甚至連刮痕或泥巴都沒有。沃克說這隻手機僅裝配 Griffin Motif 系列的 TPU 外殼,再加上來自零件市場的金屬保護背殼。他認為這隻手機可能在墜落的時候因為穿過樹葉而降低了速度。

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iPhone 4 從 1,000 英呎高空摔下安然無恙
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Comments (6)
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Frank - March 24, 2011 at 8:14pm
I tested this an hour ago from my my plane too and now the screen broke in so many pieces!!! I hate you iClarified!!!
R00B0y - March 24, 2011 at 12:59am
I dropped my 3G iphone from my pocket on my race bike at 180kmh, it sat in the curb for 8 hours, and when I finally found it, it was working perfectly... the screen was worse off for the crash, but considering it hit the ground at over 100 mph and then lay on the hard asphalt being run over by cars and trucks, I would say Apple make a kick ass strong product.
Gg - March 23, 2011 at 1:43pm
No pics? Well..
Eric - March 23, 2011 at 1:32pm
if they are implying apple products are a good design for being dropped, they are wrong. my ipod touch fell 300feet and was completely demolished (although it does turn on and the screen shows a picture) everything is cracked and the case looks like a pringles chip. im sure any phone could have survived if it was hitting branches and leafs/etc on the way down. my ipod fell straight onto gravel.
Rede - March 23, 2011 at 2:09pm
Well Eric, it has nothing to do with the iPhones exterior. The fact that the phones owner had protection with accessories. It has to do with the internal parts. 1000 foot drop would usually leave a phone in pieces and in shambles.
PReaper - March 23, 2011 at 5:22pm
And a forest provides a somewhat soft landing as well as the protection the iPhone had..
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