Vodič: Jailbreak vaega iPhone 3GS-a (FW 3.0) z uporabo RedSn0w-a (Mac)
Posted July 7, 2009 at 1:25pm by iClarified
To so navodila za opravljanje postopka jailbreakanja tretje različice programske opreme (FW 3.0) na vašem iPhone 3GS-u z uporabo RedSn0w-a na Mac-u. Navodila za enak postopek v Windows okolju so na voljo tu. Navodila za iPhone 2G najdete tu. V nadaljevanju opisan postopek uporabite pred odklepanjem telefona na vsa mobilna omrežja, za kar navodila najdete tu.
Prvi korak Na namizju ustvari novo mapo z imenom Pwnage
Nato od tu prenesite RedSn0w in prenešeno datoteko shranite v prej ustvarjeno mapo Pwnage. Pravtako v histo mapo prenesite zadnjo različico iPhone programske opreme (povezava spodaj).
Iz datoteke ZIP v mapo Pwnage ekstraktirajte RedSno0w-
Drugi korak Na računalnik priklopite vaš iPhone in zaženite iTunes.
Iz seznama na levi izberite vaš iPhone. Zdaj pritisnite tipko Option na vaši tipkovnici in kliknite gumb Restore. Postopek Restore je priporočen, saj na iPhone-u ne bo ustvaril nepotrebne potrate prostora.
Pojdite v mapo Pwnage na vašem namizju in in izberite ipsw datoteko. Za nadaljevanje kliknite gumb Open.
*Opomba: Če je na telefon že naložena programska oprema 3.0, ki še je niste poskušali jailbreakati, lahko korak izpustite.
Tretji korak Ko iTunes konča z delom, lahko zaženete redsn0w.app iz mape Pwnage na namizju.
Četrti korak Po odprtju apliakacije RedSn0w kliknite gumb Browse.
Peti korak Izberite datoteko .ipsw (v mapi Pwnage na namizju) in kliknite gumb Open.
Šesti korak Ko je pravilnost izbrane datoteke potrjena, kliknite Next za nadaljevanje.
Sedmi korak Prepričajte se, da je možnost Cydia označena in kliknite gumb Next, če je.
Osmi korak Na zaslonu se Vam bodo prikazal postopek, kako iPhone spravite v način za obnavljanje (Recovery Mode). Odklopite ga iz računalnika in ga ugasnite. Potem pritisnite Home gumb in ga držite do takrat, ko RedSn0w zazna vaš telefon in začne z namestitvijo.
Deveti korak Vaš iPhone se bo zdaj ponovno zagnal.
Deseti korak RedSn0w bo po ponovnem zagonu telefona začel nalagati nov RAM disk in kernel.
Enajsti korak Ko se to nalaganje zaključi, boste obveščeni, da je postopek jailbreaka končan. Po koncu kliknite gumb Finish in vaš iPhone se bo ponovno zagnal. Zaradi nalaganja novih nastavitev in programov lahko to tokrat traja do pet minut.
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I've tried this three times but, after I finish each time the screen on my iphone goes black and won't respond so then I have to restore it using iTunes and Cydia is never there. Why won't it work?
Who ever can help me: Can i jail brake my Iphone 3G (3.0) using this tutorial which says that is made for iphone 3GS????? please if anyone can help, i will really appreciate it.
how can jailbreake my iphone 3gs version 3.1 i try many times whit this tutorial but says unable to recognize specified IPSW, i'm using redsn0w 0.8 and firmware iphone2,1_3.0.1_7A400 any help please
I just got my iphone 3GS and it came with 3.0.1 FW.
I want to Jailbreak and unlock it however I have a doubt. I have a mac and I know I should use RedSn0w, the only doubt I have is regarding if I should just go ahed open RedSn0w and select the 3.0.1 firmware (I already downloaded) and follow the steps or should I restore to 3.0 FW and then open RedSn0w an select 3.0.1 firmware?
Thanks for all the help!
The comment in the article:
** If you would like to jailbreak on the 3.0.1 firmware you can follow these exact instructions; however, in Step Two restore using this 3.0.1 iPhone firmware file instead of the 3.0 one. Continue with the instructions as indicated.**
Is not true. redsn0w only works with the 3.0 firmware. If you select the 3.1 firmware with it, it will say "Unable to recognize specified IPSW". So it appears that the only solution is to downgrade to 3.0.
To make matters worse, iTunes no longer allows restoring to an IPSW of a version less than 3.1. So to downgrade or even install a new IPSW, you'll have to downgrade iTunes if you're using the latest version. I *assume* that downgrading iTunes will let you install older IPSWs, but I didn't test that myself. I'm hoping that the DevTeam releases a new redsn0w soon that accepts the 3.0.1 firmware.
wow, cant say that uve made it easier enough!! ive had troubles in the past with this following alll the other guides on the net and i got a new iphone 2day, luckly enough i came over your guide! no problems what so ever done in minutes first go... thank you very much!!!!!
For the people having problems unlocking their 3G w/ 3.0.1, I tried following the instructions with no luck, so I downgraded from 3.0.1 to 3.0 and the it all worked perfectly JB and unlock!
good luck
Hey rebecca, I have teh 3G w/ 3.0.1. so I had no trouble jailbreacking the iPhone, but could not unlock it...I think I followed the exact instructions, but still no luck, so I had the phone downgraded from 3.0.1 to 3.0, and jailbroken again and finally unlocked, and now it works fine..... so you have to downgrade it to 3.0 firmware...
iPhone 3G on 3.0.1 I'm stuck in step 2. I've downloaded the A400 restore Ispw gile. I/\'ve resyored my Iphone via iTunes and have the 3.0.1 with 04.26.08 band. How do we use the A400 file in the second step, it says to open it, while the iTunes is restoring the phone, will the iPhone use this file from my computer to restore?
On steps 3 and 5 it indicates to select the A341 restore file, do we, 3G 3.0.1 users, use this A341 files or select the A400 file on these steps???
Sorry but I need help///////
I've got a 3GS 16Gb, bought outright from apple. It was on 3.0.1 when I bought it.
I was successfully able to jailbreak it using redsn0w, without the need to restore in itunes 9 (it wouldn't let me restore to 3.0.1 anyways).
The jailbreak works like a charm, with cydia and icy installed and all, but the battery life is a nightmare now!!
It goes from full charge to power-off in less than 7 hours on standy!! The iPhone is also constantly heated as if it was processing something... (3G, wifi and bluetooth are all off)
Any idea or similar cases? Your thoughts are most appreciated, as it's impossible to leave the house now that my battery dies on me every couple of hours :)
I have the same problem. Talking to a "pro" TOMORROW AT 5.00 EST.. WILL KEEP YOU POSTED - PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU FIND A WAY- Apparently the way to do it is redirect the itunes apple responce to auriks server! good luck ( we have the exact same problem!)
It's true. Apple has effectively disallowed using iTunes to restore any firmware except 3.1.
A solution may be to downgrade iTunes to 8.2, which is available here:
I haven't tried that. Back up your music folder if you do.
hello! i have program like this when i try to restore firmware 3.0 on 3gs .i don`t known why? so i restore firmware 3.1 should be o.k but can`t jairbroken ? can you send back mail? goldenbuddhaveggie@sbcglobal.net
Hi, so i got through every step fairly easily. But my iphone wouldnt reboot itself after i had clicked finish. I waited over an hour, and it still hadn't rebooted with cydia. So i restarted my phone, and it was functioning properly, except without cydia. Why doesnt it reboot more quickly? or am i doing something wrong..
Hi to the Dev. Team from Augsburg, Germany
Many thanks for your tutorial and instructions.
Just jailbreaked my new iPhone 3GS and unlocked it (bought in the US).
SIM from non tied operator in Germany just works fine. I am glad I do not need to use Deutsche Telekom and I am happy with good plan of BASE (eplus) which provides Internet Flat Rate for just 10 / month.
Keep on helping the free world of Telco users.
I have all the downloads and almost in the final of the step two(watching the bar in the iphone), the itunes displays that the iphone will be restored with the original form. I tried tw times and itunes diplay the same thing
What can I do?
Its an iphone 3gs with the version 3.0.1 (7A400)
It's recognize the firmware "iPhone 2,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore" and start the process but did no t finish this second step.
Someone can help me to fix it?
Thank you in advance
Thank you. I tried with the 3.0FW for redSn0w and the itunes displays before finish the restore : "..this device isn't eligible for the requested build"
i have a 3gs on 3.0.1, downloaded the 3.0 firware and restored, but i still get the error in redsn0w- "unable to recognize specified ipsw." i downloaded in firefox and it is a .ipsw file. any ideas? thanks.
My 3GS has not been activated yet, hence when I connect to ITunes it asks to install the original sim. I cannot therefore get past step 2. What can I do?
I'm stuck on step four.
I browse to "iPhone2,1_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw" and open it.
Then redsn0w says "Unable to recognize specified IPSW"
What can be wrong? Thanks in advance.
You should use 3.0 firmware. 3.0.1 is needed only in step TWO. Just done it with my iPhone 3GS and worked great. As noted in 3rd paragraph:
** If you would like to jailbreak on the 3.0.1 firmware you can follow THESE EXACT INSTRUCTIONS; however, in Step Two (AND ONLY IN STEP TWO) restore using this 3.0.1 iPhone firmware file instead of the 3.0 one. Continue with the instructions as indicated.**
I'm stuck at step 1 or 2 where you restore in iTunes by pressing Option then clicking on Restore. I selected the downloaded firmware but I'm getting an error message that says "blah blah blah because Firmware is not Compatible" Please help
by the way I currently have an iPhone 3GS with FW 3.0.1 and I had it jailbroken and unlocked somewhere. I just wanna jailbreak and unlock it again because there are issues with the battery, it gets depleted quite quickly so I want to do it all over again.