Cum sa transferi fisiere din iPhone folosind Bluetooth [iBlueNova]
Posted February 15, 2010 at 7:28pm by iClarified
Acestea sunt instructiunile privind instalarea si folosirea iBlueNova, o aplicatie ce permite transferul de fisiere prin bluetooth pe iPhone.
iBlueNova functioneaza doar pe dispozitivele iPhone OS 3.x. Daca aveti un iPhone care ruleaza OS 2.x puteti folosi iBluetooth.
Pasul Unu Lansati Cydia din Springboard-ul iPhone-lui.
Pasul Doi Apasati fila Sections din josul ecranului.
Pasul Trei Selectati System din lista de Sectiuni.
Pasul Patru Apasati pentru a selecta iBlueNova din lista de Pachete.
Pasul Cinci Daca doriti achizitionarea imediata a iBlueNova apasati butonul Purchase Package . Daca ati achizitionat deja iBlueNova in trecut sau daca doriti versiunea de proba de 15 zile a iBlueNova apasati butonul Purchase din coltul dreapta sus al ecranului.
Pasul Sase Apasati butonul Confirm pentru a incepe instalarea.
Pasul Sapte Odata ce instalarea s-a finalizat cu succes apasati butonul mare Return to Cydia .
Pasul Opt Apasati butonul Home pentru a reveni la Springboard si apoi lansati iBlueNova.
Pasul Noua Odata lansata iBlueNova veti remarca doua comutatoare in partea de sus a ecranului. Asigurati-va ca ambele sunt in pozitia ON pentru a activa iBlueNova si pentru a face iPhone-ul vizibil prin bluetooth.
Pasul Zece Utilizand File Manager putem trimite imagini, muzica, clipuri video si alte fisiere altor dispozitive prin Bluetooth.
Selectati Pictures din meniul principal. Selectati un album si apasati pentru a alege imaginea pe care doriti s-o trimiteti. Apasati icoana Send din josul ecranului. Vi se va cere sa alegeti un dispozitiv. Daca dispozitivul nu se regaseste in lista asigurati-va ca este vizibil si apasati butonul Refresh din coltul dreapta sus al ecranului. Odata ales un dispozitiv, iBlueNova va initia transferul, afisand o bara de stare pana cand transferul este complet.
Puteti urma o procedura similara pentru Muzica, Video si alte fisiere.
Pasul Unsprezece Daca efectuati mai multe transferuri simultan puteti apasa Transfers din meniul principal pentru a le vedea starea.
Pasul Doisprezece Daca aveti un dispozitiv la care va conectati frecvent il puteti salva ca favorit. Selectati Device discovery din meniul principal.
Apasati butonul Refresh pentru a localiza dispozitivele din apropiere si apoi apasati pe steaua de langa numele dispozitivului pentru a-l adauga ca favorit.
Pasul Treisprezece iBlueNova vine cu unele setari care pot fi configurate apasand Settings din meniul principal.
Aici puteti schimba numele dispozitivului, precum si activarea auto-cautarii, vibratiei, si reactivarea la inchidere.
Puteti de asemenea sa activati autentificarea PIN si sa stabiliti un cod PIN pentru conectare.
In rubrica Imagini puteti seta iBlueNova sa trimita imaginile in format JPEG in loc de PNG. Puteti alege, de asemenea, sa salvati imaginile primite in biblioteca.
In cele din urma in rubrica Save Paths puteti seta directorul in care sa fie salvate fisierele primite.
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Too bad it no longer works. IBluenova will not been updated to work with current iPhone versions so you would either be stuck with an outdated phone or no Pogo printing with the iPhone.
Sad when technology takes 3 steps back. :(
hi i m using the ibluetooth for iphone 3gs but m facing some problem previos i when i click the picture from the camera from it was save in the libary now by mistake i change the path of now when i m receving any image i cant c in my photos can any one help me how to do the deafault setting for the ibluetooth pls reply me . m fed up of this
I use this quiet a lot and it is very good. Except for one bug. I turned on the 'Save in Library' option for sending pictures and sent one to my iPod. When i loaded up with Photos it said that there was a new picture (ie. was 90 now 91) but when i go into the folder the picture is not there. This means that my screenshots no longer save, and i cant save pictures from safari. Does any one know how to fix this?
I got iBlueNova as a demo and it worked 100% the first time. I transferred a 3MB photo from the iphone to a Nokia phone and then back. No glitches or trouble. Now, I'll buy it.
Guess there's no substitue for read ing the instructions :)
Further to my February 2010 post, the author of this program has not updated v2.0.1 to be compatible with iOS4. My IBlueNova worked just fine with iOS3.1.2 but since upgrading to 4, it's useless. I have written to the author several times without response. I guess it's just another rip-off! Once they get your money, they don't care.
i've tried it with some cell phones it is working great i've transferred a 4.4 mb image with success, but i couldn't transfer any to a Mac although from this Mac i received a file.
[ups, misclicked, please delete my identical reply in "forest wrote at 2010-02-15 19:42:11"]
I also had a connection error until I detected that SB Settings has killed Bluetooth:
I had turned BT on with SB Settings, but in the main preference pane it was still off, even "unavailable".
After deleting SB Settings, the transfer iPhone -> Mac was a breeze. Haven't figured out though, how to get files from Mac to iPhone.
I got the opposite from you, I can bluetooth my photos from my mac smoothly, but it always failed when I am sending back photos to my mac.
I kicked sbsettings out, even restore and jailbreaked, it just not working.
Hi, I've purchased iblueNova and transfered some picures to my iphone. I don't know how to view these transfered picture in iBlueNova. Anybody pls help me. Thanx in advance
Hi friends, I'm using iBlueNova ... the file transfer from Nokia N81 to my iPhone 3gs v3.1.2 works great .. but N81 does not open .mov files transferred from iphone. I've transferred files from my Win7 Notebook PC to my iphone without any probs. iBlueNiova is a great app.
go to cydia->sections->system->ibluenova has anyone tried sending pictures to a printer, i read that the original ibluetooth was used to print to the mobile polaroid pogo over bluetooth but i cant seem to get it to work here
I've purchased iBlueNova & transferred some pics. I don't know how to view these pics. The pics are in my iphones camera roll. Anybody plese help me.