Comment Downgrader votre iPhone 3GS avec votre SHSH sauvé dans cydia [Windows]
Posted February 7, 2010 at 1:00am by iClarified
Voici les instructions pour activer le downgrade du firmware sur votre iPhone avec votre SHSH sauvé dans cydia.
Pour que ces insctructions fonctionnent, vous devez avoir préalablement jailbreaké votre iphone dans une version de firmware précédente et activé la sauvegarde de votre SHSH dans Cydia. Vous pouvez en savoir plus à cette adresse.ICI
Etape une Clic droit Notepad depuis Démarrer:Programmes:Accessoires.
Etape deux Choisir Executer en tant qu'administrateur depuis le menu contextuel.
Etape trois Un popup va apparaitre et vous demander si vous souhaitez donner l'accès au système à notepad . Clickez sur le boutton Oui.
Etape quatre Une fois que notepad est ouvert selectionnez Ouvrir... depuis le menu Fichier.
Etape cinq Choisir de voir "Tous les Fichiers" depuis la liste "Fichier de Type" puis naviguez C:WindowsSystem32driversetc et selectionnez le fichier hosts. clic sur le boutton Ouvrir.
Etape Six Ajoutez à la fin du fichier.
Etape sept Selectionnez Sauvgarder depuis le menu Fichier pour confirmer votre modification.
Vous êtes maintenant prêt à downgrader votre appareil. Mettez simplement votre iphone en Mode DFU et dans iTunes Shift+Clic sur le boutton Restore pour selectionner manuellement le firmware que vous désirez. Si vous avez un message d'erreur du type 1011 ou 1013 ignorez le. Si vous avez un message d'erreur du type 1015, répétez la restauration complète puis jailbreak après le deuxième échec.
*Remerciements à Saurik pour avoir rendu possible ce Downgrade.
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I got stuck in DFU mode (displays connect to iTunes or screen is black) after downgrading from 4.1 to 3.1.2 and got error message 1015. It was a little bit unclear in this article, but you can run your jailbreak tool (e.g. RedSn0w) even if you're stuck in DFU mode.
Hi does anyone get an error(13)? I had an 3.0.1 running and then downgraded..or rather upgraded 3.1.3 - and that worked but when i tried to install 4.0 or 4.0.1 it's says erro(13)?
Thanks in advance!
Tried to downgrade my 3GS on 3.1.3 with Spirit JB to 3.1.2 using my Cydia SHSH blobs to be able to re-jb in order to be able to jb on iOS4, but the restore fails for some odd reason :-/
It runs for a good while after I select the iPhone2,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw, then stops with a message that says:
"The iPhone "iPhone" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1015)".
Anyone with an idea?
Many thanks!
I try to save this Host file it gives an error " Can not create C:/document and setting\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file. Make sure that the path and file name is correct".Please explain me how to save this file . I am on Vista home premium 64bit
I try to delete all data in my iphone 3gs. I phone is hanged and came to "Apple logo". the battery is low and it will start charging (with red- battery )
after few miinute again pops up apple logo,
I am able to got recovery mode. Below are the detail of my phone:
3GS, 3.0.1, 32GB, jailbreaked and unloacked.
I dont have SHSH. can I upgrade to 3.1.3. Please advice me, i don't mind to upgrade to 3.1.3,I want my phone back!!
I tried I recovery also.. no use.
thanks in advance.
im having this very same issue.. i have iphone 3gs as well as iphone 4..
both are on version 4.0.2
im well aware of the hosts file and ive done it properly, yet im having this error 3194
anyone with the solution?? please help
hi i had a previous jailbroken version of 3.1.3 with spirit , i did back up on cydia .
lastnight i jumped the gun and updated to 4.0 with itunes ,
im trying to follow your step by step but iv gotten the 1015 error twice and then tryed to re jailbreak like it says but im stuck in DFU mode how do i re jail break
Hello Everyone! I'm trying 2 downgrade my 3GS from 3.1.3 to 3.1.2...but its stuck at "verifying iphone restore with apple"....ny ideas on how to overcome that? I would appreciate! Thanks
i cant save the edited hosts file.. it keeps converted to txt format.. and ended up with two hosts file.. the original (hosts) and the edited (hosts.txt). what should i do? thanks in advance
Did you just follow the steps posted here? I've tried it a few times & keep getting a message saying the device isn't eligible for requested build, running out of options now, stuck on 3.1.3
Having the exact same problem! Is this most likely because my device was never registered with cydya and doenst have an SHSH ECID? any help is appreciated.
and btw, my iPhone 3G is upgraded to the latest 3.1.3 - does that mean that if I want to downgrade it to 3.1.2 or unlock/jailbreak at 3.1.3, I need to also downgrade the baseband? Thanks!~
I've done all 7 steps and have had my iPhone 3G (locked AT&T, 3.1.3 version, never been unlocked/jailbroken) in DFU mode. Though iTunes does not allow me to downgrade it back to 3.1.2. I don't have a Mac so I can't use the Pwnage Tool for 3.1.3. Any clue as to what else I should do to downgrade it? Thanks a bunch!
i don't know if i saved my shsh file to cydia..? (dont know how to do and how to check it, im noob) but, i try downgrading my iphone 3gs 3.1.3 back to 3.1.2.. it downgrades succesfully! but its still in 05.12.07 baseband. my question is, can i unlock it with the new firmware?? -i already jailbreak it using blackra1n rc3, but im not yet trying to install cydia and unlock.
after downgrading..
**iPhone 3G[S] 3.1.2 - Firmware 05.12.07 +blackra1n RC3
@ Art - the process is still the same in windows7 64, but rmember when opening notepad to "Run as Administrator"
the way you tell if cydia has your hash files is when you sign on to cydia on the top it will say this device has SHSH on file for fimware(s) blah blah blah
I now have the correct firmware file, I now get the message "iPhone cannot be restored as it is not eligible for requested build", think I'm stuck on 3.1.3 for now as I've tried a few times & this always happens
Read steps 4 5 6 and 7.. If u edit the right file and append the right thing, it will not check with apple to see if that's the right firmware.. It will
insted check a fake server that will allow u to use the 3.1.2 firmware
I had the same issue with Baz Reed....i follow the same thing as step 4 5 6 and 7 but still get the message "iPhone cannot be restored as it is not eligible for requested build"........
All those having problems with the firmware file is because it is in .zip format. U must rename the file with .ipsw as the extension.... (so its not a .zip)
have followed all of the steps, including the download to my desktop of the 3.1.2 restore, but when i try and shift restore from i-tunes i can see the folder etc but get a message no items match your search, can anyone help me finnish this please ?
i followed the tutorial for downgrading my 3gs as i had a problem with cydia. Everytime i hold shift then restore the firmware wont open in the folder i saved it in. It doesnt look anything like the firmware on the video tutorial (a cube shape) its just a folder with a zip on. Im using windows vista, any advice would be great thanks
WORKED !!!!! This is how i did it.. Followed directons 100% got error 1015 at the end.. ran it again, got error 1015 at the end again "phone was still in recovery mode", then i went strait into jailbreaking with blackrain. WOrked fine other than at the end of jailbreaking it froze with buddies picture on the screen, i rebooted phone, connected to itunes, it activated and was jailbroken with cydia in the springboard.
This was done on a iphone 3gs(old bootrom). accedentley upgraded to 3.1.3 through itunes. manged to downgrade to 3.1.2 and rejailbreak
what is error 1015?
after i restored with the ipsw-file, i got: "the iphone 'iphone' cannot be restored at this time because the iphone software update server could not be contacted or is temporarily unavailable."
what did you do after you ran it again?