DFU signifie Mise à jour du firmware de l'appareil. Si une restauration en mode classique ne fonctionne pas, vous pouvez utiliser le mode DFU en dernier moyen. Quand l'iphone est executé en mode DFU, le firmware n'est pas chargé avant la tentative de restauration.
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Pour placer l'iphone en mode DFU afin de restaurer via itunes, suivez ces quelques pas:
Étape 1 Ouvrez itunes est connectez l'iphone à votre ordinateur.
Étape 2 Appuyez en même temps sur le bouton principal et le bouton d'allumage et maintenez les appuyés.
Etape 3 Après exactement 10 secondes, relachez le bouton d'allumage. Maintenez le bouton principal appuyé jusqu'à ce qu'itunes affiche un message vous avertissant qu'il à détecté un iphone en mode restauration.
L'écran de l'iphone devrai devenir noir comme celui-ci:
NOTE***: Cela prend du temps pour apprendre à mettre l'iphone correctement en DFU. Généralement, je maintient enfoncé les deux bouton et je relache le bouton principal juste avant le moment où je pense que la pomme va apparaitre. Si vous êtes toujours en train d'appuyer sur les boutons quand la pomme apparait, c'est que vous les avait maintenu trop longtemps!
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hey I just got an iPod touch 5th generation and it was my but he's ex-girlfriends when they broke up she gave it back to him but never told her iTunes password how do I get around that and restored to factory settings any idea?
Very narrow minded to think that the phone is stolen. I am a company admin and deal with all the time when ex employees put their personal icloud account on my corporate phones.
This is also not uncommon for people buying/selling used phones. If the seller does not go through the setup and deactiavte the account, the buyer will have issues.
how can u do it if screen has passcode and is cracked/unresponsive and have no idea what the itunes account info is cause person it was bought from is looney tunes?!
This solved my "ipod touch upgrade ios 2.2.1 to 4.2 error -1" problem I have had for more than a year.
Thank You.
Remember to backup your latest state of the IPOD.
pls help me ,, my iphone need to connect in itunes and upgrade or restore it but when the restoring has 75% it stuck and there is an error(1) what shuold i do?
thank you for saving me from driving into town to the apple store with 2 little kids! I solved the problem within 10mn following the easy instructions. thank you!!
For the record, my ipod touch is 5th gen, and my laptop 10.6 . And when I followed through with the instructions it worked until I got an error message of 4005, and basically my laptop's version of itunes was not up to date, although it said it was. Currently the latest version is 12.0.1. And my laptop was reading "This version of itunes (11.4) is the current version", which is incorrect and misleading. So I switched to my later model - and it works. Ensure that your stuff is up-to-date or it won;t work.