Anleitung: Untethered Jailbreak für das iPhone 4 (Mac) [5.0.1]
Posted December 27, 2011 at 12:10pm by iClarified
Anleitung für den untethered Jailbreak deines iPhone 4 mit der Firmware iOS 5.0.1 mit Hilfe von RedSn0w für Mac Die Windows Version dieser Anleitung findest du hier.
Diese Prozedur upgradet euer Baseband und verhindet damit zukünftig eventuell ein Unlock deines Iphones. Bitte nutze die Anletiung für das Update auf iOS 5.0.1 mit einer custom ipsw wenn du einen Unlock benötigst.
Wenn du eine niedrigere Firmware jailbreaken möchtest, findest du die passende Anleitung hier.
Schritt 1 Erstelle auf deinem Schreibtisch einen Ordner mit dem Namen Pwnage
Downloade die aktuellste RedSn0w Version hier und schiebe sie in den Pwnage Ordner. Downloade ebenfalls die Firmaware 5.0.1 von hier und schiebe sie auch in den Pwnage Ordner. (Anmerkung: Du brauchst die Firmware 5.0.1 nicht downloaden wenn du die Version 5.0.1 bereits auf deinem Iphone benutzt.)
Entpacke die RedSn0w zip Datei durch einen Doppelklick
Schritt 2: (Überspringe diesen Schritt wenn du schon auf der Firmware 5.0.1 bist) Verbinde dein Iphone mit dem Computer und starte Itunes.
Wähle ein Iphone links aus der Liste der Gerät. Halte die Option Taste und drücke auf den Wiederherstellen Button. Wiederhestellung ist bevorzugt um keinen verschwendeten Speicherplatz auf deinem Iphone zu erzeugen.
Navigiere zu dem Pwnage Ordner auf dem Schreibtisch und wähle die 5.0.1 firmware ipsw aus. Klicke auf den Auswählen Button um fortzufahren
Itunes wird nun deine Firmware aktualisieren
Schritt 3 Starte die redsn0w Applikation aus der vorher extrahierten redsn0w Zip-Datei
Schritt 4 Wenn RedSn0w geöffnet ist, klicke auf den Jailbreak Button
Schritt 5 Stecke dein Iphone an den Computer und vergewisser dich das es ausgeschaltet ist. Klicke anschließend den Next Button
Schritt 6 RedSn0w wird dich nun durch die Schritte in den DFU-Mode begleiten. Mehr Informationen zu dem DFU-Mode findest du hier
Halte beide Tasten, die Home Taste und die Power Taste, für 10 Sekunden gedrückt.
Lasse die Power Taste los und halte die Home Taste weiter gedrückt bis RedSn0w dein Gerät erkennt.
Schritt 7 Dein Iphone startet nun neu.
Schritt 8 RedSn0w bereitet die Jailbreak Daten vor.
Schritt 9 Wähle Cydia aus der Liste der Optionen und klicke anschließend auf Next.
Schritt 10 Dein Iphone wird nun neu gestartet und RedSn0w beginnt den Upload des neuen RAM Disk und des Kernel.
Schritt 11 Ist der Fortschritt komplett erhälst du eine Nachricht das RedSn0w fertig ist. Wenn dein Iphone neu gestartet ist (dauert ca. 5 min), ist es gejailbreaket und du findest Cydia auf deinem Springboard
*Wie üblich ein großes DANKESCHÖN an das iPhone Dev-Team, Chronic Dev-Team, pod2g, and Geohot für ihre harte Arbeit und ihren Beitrag für die Iphone-Community
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Hi I'm getting ready to try this jailbreak on an iPhone 4 running 5.0.1. I just wanted to know if any of the problems have been fixed before I do so. I read all the previous comments and there seemed to be quite a few bugs. Have they been fixed and is it ok to try this jailbreak. I'm having issues with my old jailbreak. How do I remove that one so that I can jailbreak with this one.
Thank you
I have jailbroke my phone a week ago and yesterday begin noticing that my text messages wasn't popping up in the conversation as they did before, I had to close it out and then reopen. Now My phone won't access the Cydia app, my emails or allow me access to the web. If possible can someone please assist me with this
Hi, quick question about the tutorial link for the custom IPSW (for unlocking). That link says the jailbreak without BB upgrade would be tethered, but this tutorial here says the unlock will be untethered.
I'm about to buy a 4 on ios 4.0 and bb 1.59 and i'm trying to figure out how much i should upgrade the software\firmware to.
Hi, quick question about the tutorial link for the custom IPSW (for unlocking). That link says the jailbreak without BB upgrade would be tethered, but this tutorial says the unlock will be untethered.
I'm about to buy a 4 on ios 4.0 and bb 1.59 and i'm trying to figure out how much i should upgrade the software\firmware to.
HI there!
I upgraded my iPhone 4 to iOS 5.0.1 and jailbreaked and Unlockedit with redsn0w. This iPhone has the 01.59.00 BR. I don't know if this is a problem with Ultrasn0w or where but: I don't get the 3G network working.
The 3G network also doesn't allow me to send MMS, broken Voice Mail shortcut, 3G data not working and any service related with it, like: FaceTime, iMesssage, Find my iPhone, etc.
Everything else works fine.
I changed the SIM card, I reinstalled everything again and nothing happens.
I don't know what I'. doing wrong.
Any advice??
iPhone 4 - Updated to iOS5 using iTunes 10.5, firmware is 4.11.08 and jailbroken using RedSn0w. Encountering problems with apps crashing. I practically cant utilize my phone. I would appreciate if anyone could help me fix this problem.
Thank you in advance.
In Steph 9 : if I select "Enable Multitask Guesture" along with "Iinstall Cydia", would it give any problem? Actully I also want to enable multitask Guesture. So just wanted to know that lasted version of redsn0w suppirt this along with jailbreak?
i have iphone 4 factory unlocked 8 gb
modem firmware : 04.11.08
will this jailbreak cause to lose anything such as gps or WiFi if i updated the bb ?
Please help. I updated my iPhone 4 from 5.0 to 5.0.1 via the Software Update on the iPhone. I'm not concerned about the baseband and unlocking as I've already had my mobile carrier unlock the iPhone. Anyway, with the iPhone already at iOS 5.0.1 I've downloaded the latest version of Redsn0w and followed the steps exactly (skipping the steps to upgrade to iOS 5.0.1 as it says). I've launched Redsn0w, clicked Jailbreak, put my iPhone into DFU mode and it starts to prepare the jailbreak and then prompts that the IPSW is needed...?? The tutorial specifically states that you do not need to download the 5.0.1 firmware if you are already on iOS 5.0.1 which I am. What am I doing wrong?
I'm having exactly the same problem. I tried twice plus I followed instructions to manually select isp* and files came up on my computer but nothing related to that. Do I need to reload 5.01? Any help is appreciated.
Since I'm new to this and it probably has been answered already I was wondering if I can unlock my iPhone 4g. It is w AT&T.. And currently has version 5.0.1. Modem firmware 04.11.08..... I got the phone from apple w these settings. Thank you in advance.
no way for now. the baseband is too new and can not be downgraded.
either sell this phone and exchange for an iPhone 4 has baseband 04.11.01 or lower, like 03.10.01, jailbreak it, use Gevey; or wait for few more months and see if there is any new methods come out, and remember, never upgrade your iPhone! (unless do it with customized firmware)
I did the jailbreak on is 5.0.1 and it worked but none of my apps will open up, they load and automatically shut down, any ideas why or how to fix it???
cydia keeps on crashing each time :-
1) push the about button
2) try to add source
3) tap on the spotlight search area on the search tab
is it just me or what
managed to solve the problem after trying this. dont know about other methods.
Cydia crash
1. Connect the jailbroken idevice to your computer, run iFunbox or other files manger, and use its file management capabilities navigate into the /private/var/mobile/Library directory, copy the Keyboard folder to your computer desktop.
2. Go to /private/var/root/Library directory, upload just saved Keyboard directory to this folder.
3. Reboot the device, then back into Cydia, the crash issue fixed.
All worked fine. iPhone 4, retained BB 3.10.01 using gevey sim. All worked perfect. however cydia does not work. Search in cydia does not show any results.
hi does anyone keep getting an error in cydia when adding a sources saying
sub-process /bin/bzip2 returned an error code
please can someone tell me how to sort this as it keeps coming up when i try to add a new sources
Update iTunes to current. Do the restore again, and don't restore from back up or unlock and setup iOS5 until AFTER you JB. I had a similar problem, the Apple logo was on like a 30 second restart cycle.
JB worked fine but there is a glitch, sometimes for some reason apps open up really small in the top left corner of iphone screen, have to boot in safe mode and reboot device to fix.
something you guys might wanna look into.
who said? there is unlock for bb 04.10.1 you can use geevey sim, right now i am on ios 5.0.1 and my bb 04.10.1 and my iphone 4 jailbreaked and unlocked. try to read tutorials, how to do!! cheer up happy new year with ios 5