March 11, 2025
Apple and Google Posts Sample Code for COVID-19 Exposure Notification App

Apple and Google Posts Sample Code for COVID-19 Exposure Notification App

Posted May 4, 2020 at 5:14pm by iClarified
Apple and Google have posted sample code for a contract tracing app that uses their Exposure Notification API.

This code project uses the ExposureNotification framework to build a sample app that lets people know when they have come into contact with someone who meets a set of criteria for a case of COVID-19. When using the project as a reference for designing a notification app, you can define and modify the criteria for a case of COVID-19, including the results of a clinical test or details of symptoms a person may self-report.

iOS developers can download the sample code from here. Android developers can get the code from GitHub.

Check out some screenshots below or hit the link for more details about the upcoming notification system.

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Apple and Google Posts Sample Code for COVID-19 Exposure Notification App

Apple and Google Posts Sample Code for COVID-19 Exposure Notification App

Apple and Google Posts Sample Code for COVID-19 Exposure Notification App
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HirsuteJim - May 4, 2020 at 5:53pm
If we had this in place in January, things could be very different right now.
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