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Microsoft Releases Whiteboard App for iOS

Microsoft Releases Whiteboard App for iOS

Posted September 25, 2018 at 6:39pm by iClarified
Microsoft has released its Whiteboard app for iOS.

Microsoft Whiteboard provides a freeform intelligent canvas where teams can ideate, create, and collaborate visually via the cloud. Designed for pen and touch, it lets you write or draw as smoothly as you would with ink, while automatically recognizing and transforming shapes and tables as you draw. It enhances teamwork by allowing all team members to edit and comment directly on the canvas in real time, no matter where they are. And all your work stays safe in the cloud, ready to be picked back up from another location or device.

Microsoft Releases Whiteboard App for iOSMicrosoft Releases Whiteboard App for iOSMicrosoft Releases Whiteboard App for iOS

Here's a look at the features...

● Create freely, work naturally
Microsoft Whiteboard provides an infinite canvas where imagination has room to grow: draw, type, add a sticky or an image, stack things up, move them around – it’s all possible. The touch-first, pen-first interface frees your ideas from the keyboard, and the intelligent inking technology transforms your doodles into great-looking tables, shapes, and lines that can be copied, pasted, and combined with other objects.

● Collaborate in real time, wherever you are
Microsoft Whiteboard brings every member of a team together, whether they’re huddled around a wall-size touchscreen or working from their own devices across the globe. On the Whiteboard canvas, you can see where others are in real time and start inking on the same area – or not. It’s about getting everyone on the same page – or board.

● Save automatically, resume seamlessly
Forget having to take photos of your whiteboards, or marking them with “Do Not Erase.” With Microsoft Whiteboard, your brainstorming sessions are saved automatically to the Microsoft cloud, so you can pick up where you left off, whenever – and wherever – inspiration strikes next.

You can download Microsoft Whiteboard from the App Store for free.


Microsoft Releases Whiteboard App for iOS

Microsoft Releases Whiteboard App for iOS
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suggymoto - September 25, 2018 at 6:48pm
Competing with the Notes app. Interesting move.
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