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Phoenix Jailbreak Released for 32-Bit Devices on iOS 9.3.5

Phoenix Jailbreak Released for 32-Bit Devices on iOS 9.3.5

Posted August 7, 2017 at 3:33am by iClarified
A semi-tethered jailbreak of iOS 9.3.5 for 32-bit devices has been released. The jailbreak was created by Siguza and tihmstar with special thanks to mbazaliy and qwertyoruiop. It's user interface was made by realkjcmember, who also contributed post-exploit patches.

You can install the jailbreak on your device using Cydia Impactor and your Apple ID. As it's semi-tethered, you'll need to rerun the jailbreak utility each time you reboot. Also, if you're not a developer, you will need to sideload the jailbreak every seven days.

We'll be posting detailed instructions on how to jailbreak soon but here's the short version...

1. Download the IPA.
2. Download Cydia Impactor.
3. Connect your device to your computer.
4. Start Cydia Impactor and drag the IPA onto the top field.
5. Enter your Apple ID credentials.
6. On your device, go to "Settings > General > Device Management" and trust the certificate.
7. Run the app and tap on "Prepare For Jailbreak".
8. Wait for it to respring, then launch Cydia from the Home Screen.
9. Whenever you reboot, open the app again and tap on "Kickstart Jailbreak".
10. Whenever the app expires, install it again with Cydia Impactor.

You can get the Phoenix Jailbreak from the link below!


Phoenix Jailbreak Released for 32-Bit Devices on iOS 9.3.5

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Comments (13)
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cfc0cfb - August 7, 2017 at 8:40pm
I still own and use my iPhone 5 on iOS 9.0.2 from back in 2012. I really need to update my phone this year to the iPhone 8 but where is the jailbreak? I won't buy a new phone if I can't jailbreak it. I'll use my iPhone 5 til it seriously starts to piss me off with how slow it is. Some apps don't work with my iOS 9.0.2 but none that I need so far. C'mon hackers....we need you.
Nicetucu - August 7, 2017 at 5:32pm
It's the last IOS for many legacy devices. It means a permanent jailbreak for me on an iPad 2 that lost my jailbreak (IOS 8.1) a week or so ago. So this is brilliant and the timing couldn't be better!!!!! Thanks, guys!
RCK - August 7, 2017 at 3:56pm
it jb but when you go to Cydia it does not open? WHY?
mika'el - August 24, 2017 at 1:53am
i down loaded the jailbreak but cydia will not open WTF!!!
drigomarki - August 7, 2017 at 2:41pm
Now honestly, how many people even have installed iOS 9.3.5? Anyone?
D4xM4Nx - August 7, 2017 at 12:02pm
Notice the 'kickstart jailbreak' text in the tool... i0n1c or whatever is about to start new drama cuz 'DEY STOLE MY BUGS AND MY MONEYZZZ T_T' Hahahaha. Hey iOS 9.3.5 thugs, welcome back to the jailbreak circus. Awaiting for my iOS 18.69 jelbrek toolzzzzzz :P
Noman2200 - August 7, 2017 at 10:38am
Been jailbreaking my iPhones since the first release but during the years the things got better operating system wise and also jailbreakers gone really slow so got only like my sons old iPhone 5 and old iPad Mini-jailbroken... it seems that the whole scene is dying off. Its a pity since loved the options Cydia gave you to customise your device.
Jay - August 7, 2017 at 4:38pm
That's why I still have my 6 9.0.2 fully untethered
The Dude
The Dude - August 7, 2017 at 6:09am
Why are you guys mad if one person out of billions releases a tool like this? Chill. If you have a touch laying around on 9.3.5.....you wont be complaining. There are people who actively seek to stay on lower firmwares. I specifically pick iOSs that have full tethered jailbreaks. None of this profile/cydia impactor crap
362dca2 - August 7, 2017 at 4:45am
Is this for some 2 year old version?
Ricky - August 7, 2017 at 4:31am
REALLY NOT HAPPY 9.3.5 , who the 10.3.1 , why from last years Apple win all the game , just 7 days Dev certificate, hackers people do hard work need some good output from you . Need jb 10.3 x.
Blazzit - August 7, 2017 at 3:42am
Wtf!! 9.3.5
Misba - August 7, 2017 at 3:38am
For ios 10.3/10.3.1 jailbreak please
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