This jailbreak does NOT work on iOS 10.2.1. The signing window is still open so downgrade while you can. Also, you should definitely save your iOS 10.2 SHSH blobs!
IPad Air 10.2 I jailbroke it and it says jail broken but I cannot see Cydia.. :( please help. I jailbroke many times but I cannot find cydia. I restored to 10.2 and tried but nothing's working.
Works on iPhone 6 Plus. Was on 10.1.1. Downloaded 10.2 firmware from firmwares section. Option Key Upgraded to 10.2. After that backed up just in case. From Mac, Installed Yalu with impactor on iPhone. Trusted. Ran Yalu. Phone rebooted. No Cydia. Ran Yalu again. Phone rebooted. Still no cydia. Deleted Yalu. Regular Power button rebooted the phone. Installed Yalu again. Phone rebooted. Cydia installed. 1 Tweak installed as flex and its working.
I have jailbroken my iphone 6 using beta2 i followed all the steps as shown but when i try to download any tweak i click on the respring board and the phn resprings couple of times and then nothing happenes plz help...
FYI: error 68
In order for the Cydia Impactor / Yalu 10.2 jailbreak tool to function properly, when updating the firmware, it is imperative that when device is connected to iTunes (Mac), use the "option" key and "restore" key, not the "update" key.
(Do full 10.2 firmware restore, not update)
When impactor shows your device, drag 10.2 Alpha ipa into Impactor and press start, enter your email address and password, the server will recognize your device, and the jailbreak process will begin without errors.
Hope this helps with those experiencing the 68 error.
How do i shift my update its 10.0.2 and when I check for updates it shows new update 10.2.1 so how should i update my phone to 10.2 ? Will this jailbreak work on 10.0.2?
Delay gratification! The semi-tethered jailbreak beta works but the great majority of the tweaks on Cydia aren't compatible on iOS 10 yet. Just wait it out and you shall receive what you've all been impatiently waiting for. I downloaded the jailbreak tested it out and had to restore back to a fresh 10.2 trust me installing a jailbreak beta isn't advised.
Anyone with 6 and 6 plus, go to redmondpie site and download beta 6. Tutorial here says download Alpha but it doesn't work. For all 64 bit devices, except 7 and 7 plus, use beta 6 there. Worked for me the first time. Happy JB
Hi, you are ipad mini 1 or ipad mini 2?
I have ipad mini 2, well... i save my shsh bloobs so i also have 8.4...
I decided, i only make the update with the jaillbreak are thetered...
But thanks for information
Happy because the iPhone 6 got finally supported by Yalu BUT not in its current beta stage... gonna wait till it becomes a stable release, meanwhile I protected my iPhone from the annoying and potentially risky OTA downloads with an Apple TV profile, awaiting patiently.