iOS 10.3 Will Update Your iPhone's File System to APFS
Posted January 24, 2017 at 8:41pm by iClarified
The upgrade to iOS 10.3 will bring a change to the iPhone's file system updating it from HFS+ to APFS, according to the release notes for iOS 10.3 beta 1.
File System Conversion When you update to iOS 10.3, your iOS device will update its file system to Apple File System (APFS). This conversion preserves existing data on your device. However, as with any software update, it is recommended that you create a backup of your device before updating.
Apple File System is a new, modern file system for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS. It is optimized for Flash/SSD storage and features strong encryption, copy-on-write metadata, space sharing, cloning for files and directories, snapshots, fast directory sizing, atomic safe-save primitives, and improved file system fundamentals.
The upgrade to APFS is said to bring significant speed improvements and early testers of iOS 10.3 are already noticing the difference.
You can learn more about APFS here. Please follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS for updates.
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Its curious that everyone seems concerned about jailbreaking. HFS is as ancient as the Macintosh itself and its roots go all the way back to 1985. Its an ancient filesystem in desperate need of replacement. APFS is desperately needed. I/O performance in macOS is noticeably worse on the same hardware as Linux, due almost entirely to the anemic performance of HFS. APFS is thoroughly modern and exciting.
Jail breaking is the future , APLe stole many of new features the idea of jailbreak communities for YEARS. They give credit to themselves they are liers.
If you say they stole something from the JB developers. File them a lawsuit! It will bring justice to what you are claiming and it will earn you big bucks if you win your case. Social media and other forms of sympathy gathering venues will not bring justice to you. If you want justice, file a lawsuit! It's your right!
Jailbreakers are lazy to read their terms and conditions of Apple when they got their phone. It says under the terms and conditions for iOS under 2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions: (d) You may not, and you agree not to or enable others to, copy (except as expressly permitted by this License), decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, decrypt, modify, or create derivative works of the iOS software or any services provided by the iOS Software or any part thereof (except as and only to the extent any foregoing restrictions is prohibited by applicable law or by licensing terms governing use of open-source components that may be included with the iOS Software.) With this you cannot win the case claiming they stole something from the JB developers unless the Jailbreaker published their work with their own OS and used their own hardware, then they can claim that Apple have stole their work.
Ok but what does that have to do with the fact that Apple has clearly implemented features that have readily been available on jailbroken devices for years?
Haha. Not sure if you're crazy or trying to be funny. Big companies will stretch the suit out and continuously appeal just to make you broke and drop the suit.
@Chris: I think Apple is listening to the JB community. It is like the customers are right and they implemented some of the features that we have in our iOS today. There are some Jailbreakers that gets their work paid and implemented in the iOS. There are some also that are rewarded when they see loopholes in the iOS. In the end it is still Apple's property and they can do whatever they want with their OS. In product development you can also get ideas from what your customers say and want and it is up to Apple to implement them or not.
@A: It is funny but that's the harsh reality. They have the money and you don't. So you resort to is ranting, cry your heart out when they've removed the headphone jack. (I bet you're one of them.) But did you affect Apple's sales to go down when you rant? No! Here's what you can do. Switch phones. That is the only thing you can do.
I'm no expert but I did take some basic courses and am knowledgeable some in programming. If this rewrites and changing the file system will definitely have a negative action on riding tweaks in the future if it is still possible to jailbreak.