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Apple Posts Support Document to Address Issues With iPad Pro Becoming Unresponsive

Apple Posts Support Document to Address Issues With iPad Pro Becoming Unresponsive

Posted November 19, 2015 at 6:15pm by iClarified
Apple has posted a support document to address issues with the new iPad Pro becoming unresponsive and displaying just a black screen. The document is called, "If your iPad Pro stops responding and the screen is black".

Learn what to do if your iPad Pro doesn't respond when you press buttons or tap on the screen, and the screen is black.

Apple recommends that you Force Restart the device to temporarily fix the issue.

The support document also states that "Apple is aware of this issue and is investigating".

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Apple Posts Support Document to Address Issues With iPad Pro Becoming Unresponsive
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Comments (15)
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Santosc9 - November 23, 2015 at 2:03am
Hopefully IPhone 7 will be of better quality.
Santosc9 - November 23, 2015 at 2:03am
This IPhone isn't even 2 years old yet,it should not be having these issues and I shouldn't have to upgrade to the S to get a device that works properly,and anyways in my personal opinion the S upgraded do not justify my using an early upgrade,I would rather wait it out out for the 7.All my other Apple products work just fine,IPad Air,Apple watch,and although my wife's first IPhone 6 had to be replaced after only 4 months,the replacement she recieved has been fine,like I said I just think that the quality some what gone since Steve Jobs left the scene,and I know that is highly debatable,but again just my own opinion.
gamerscul9870 - November 23, 2015 at 2:11am
Steve has done some bad final touches along the way to. I understand he did so much and he changed a lot since 2007, but Apple whether he is there or not is still the same often making mistakes even if it means fixing them. At least not all iPhones are getting that in terms of having results of how many people had to replace a phone, but I ad my iPhone since its launch every year and did fine (except I didn't own 4 or 5)
gamerscul9870 - November 23, 2015 at 1:54am
1. I owned a 6 and it worked flawless for me. If your problem involved the NAND flash from the 6 plus, idk if there is still a chance to fix that. 2. I have been with Genius Bar a ton of times when I once had the littlest problems to fix and they knew what I what to do (in which are named genius for a reason). 3. The iPhone is what it is and why it's named like that. Compared to your problems that no one else here is complaining about says why you see iPhone different because of your experience unlike everyone else's. Even with less than a fanboy off the bandwagon changes nothing about the name and brand of iPhone. 4. You would be out if this mess if you upgrade to the s. To me it fixes all the problems addressed to the predecessor. Sure U owned a 6 as mentioned already, but I did win that and kept it with my 6s until I get 7s to surprise me with quality once again. Can't wait for 7 to prepare that for me after its release of course.
Santosc9 - November 23, 2015 at 12:53am
I love Apple as much as the next guy,but in all seriousness the products that they have sold over the last couple years have gone down hill quality wise,my IPhone 6 is CONSTANTLY having glitches and battery issues and each time they out out a new update to fix these issues it usually only makes it worse,hence putting out another update that basically solves nothing.I think that the IPhone 7 will probably be a piece of junk unfortunately.
gamerscul9870 - November 23, 2015 at 1:35am
Are you f*king kidding? The 6s has gotten waterproof, resists bending unlike the last phone released, plus I using that and iPad Pro and both work flawless. Yours must be faulty for some reason, plus it's not what it seems to be overall in terms of downhill. I always reset my devices after updates and install using iTunes with firmware involved.
rahilxx98 - November 20, 2015 at 6:27am
Thanks for everyone's feedback.
rahilxx98 - November 19, 2015 at 6:43pm
My iPad is being delivered today. Does anyone have an iPad Pro? If so, do you like it? Thanks y'all
HanSung - November 19, 2015 at 7:10pm
I received my Ipad Pro 128Gb LTE on friday (2015-1-13). I really like it and I wait for my pencil (3rd december) beacause I think it will be useful. The IOS 9.2 beta 3 then the beta 4 fix all the bugs I had. P.S. : I'll never forget the day I had my Ipad because it was the sadest day here in France. I forgot my device all the night and all the saturday long. #I'mParis
Benso - November 19, 2015 at 7:26pm
My coworker received an iPad Pro from the corporate(hes a graphic designer) and i was able to try out. In short, its a big iPad and thats it. Nothing special. Its hard to carry it around which kinda kills the purpose of using a tablet. Screen is noticeably big but quite useless. You will be holding the iPad Pro because obviously you'll need to use it with hands. And having bigger size screen than regular iPad is pretty much pointless. And she also told me that she only uses it on couch. You cannot bring it outside due to the massive size(unless you carry a dedicated bag), and even while at home, you'll want to real computer design softwares like Photshop CC or Illustration CC instead of lite ios version. All in all its an expensive that doesnt fit into any category. It would have been super good if they had osx on it though. But unless they change the chip to x86 architecture base instead of ARM base A9X, it wont happen
gamerscul9870 - November 19, 2015 at 8:53pm
I couldn't be any happier with iPad now. It's beyond bigger screen. I have used it in many things and has helped boosted my productivity twice more done other than computer powered performance. With the help of drawing Apple has done a perfect job on and the apps I use with it, it has done a hell lot to save time for me. Sure you may have to carry around it a lot with two hands, but it's worth it. At first I used it in my house to get the basic idea of it and experience before I went elsewhere to do work, and the more I did stuff with it, the more satisfies I felt. In short, it doesn't need to be OSX like to be good. This is what true raw power is along with the right apps to do that much.
Benso - November 20, 2015 at 10:20pm
Im glad that i dont owe one. I would be pissed if i paid $1300 or more for big iPad that cannot process actual professional work and have to hard reset everytime i charge the iPad.
gamerscul9870 - November 20, 2015 at 11:22pm
Or the fact that you run too much work at once and drain the battery out of it, no wonder you always blame everything on it, and you paid that much? The cheapest is $800. I happen to buy one on launch day and I happen to be rich.
F14 - November 21, 2015 at 4:56am
you forgot to include state tax and Apple tax. 800 + $170 cover with keyboard + $100 stylus. Which comes up to $1070 + whatever your state tax may be. Also I dont think you'll want to buy 32GB if you are willing to pay more than 700 bucks. ripoff
gamerscul9870 - November 21, 2015 at 5:07am
Your're paying for an iPad with 4gb ram, an upgraded display, bigger size with the strong material made with it and has the power and speed of a computer. How is that a ripoff?
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