Apple will release three new iPhones in the second half of this year, according to a report from DigiTimes.
Apple will release three different iPhones in the second half of 2015, the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus and a 4-inch device currently being referred to as iPhone 6C, according to industry sources. All of the handsets will come equipped with LTPS panels and supply for the iPhone 6S Plus and iPhone 6C will come from Japan Display, Sharp and LG Display while that for the iPhone 6S will come from Japan Display and LG.
It's also said that the new iPhones will feature Gorilla Glass. The iPhone 6S series is expected to use an A9 chip and the 6C is expected to use the A8 chip. All the devices will have NFC and fingerprint scanning, according to the site.
Wistron is said to be manufacturing the iPhone 6C. Foxconn and Pegatron are said to be assembling the 6S series.
There have been previous reports that suggested Apple would introduce a new 4-inch model iPhone; however, those reports were refuted by 'supply chain sources'.
Would you be interested in a new 4-inch device or are you happy that Apple upgraded the size of its displays. Let us know in the comments.
Tired of apple and the same ole phone, with a new feature. I was an apple fan from the first phone till the 4s, and I switch to Samsung and I loved it. Then apple came out with the 6+ and I switch back to apple, but I will never buy another apple phone if they keep coming with the same phone.
Tired of gimmicks without effort of comparing actual stuff as evidence before making a point with barely a thing mentioned abou it. I was an apple fan to now, sure the older phones may had a slow change, but it eventually became major. I will always buy Apple if they stay as good as they are since 2007 and don't wait too long to make a major change. I can understand the s models coming out, yet one small change like 4s' siri is a bit unacceptable, still though that doesn't mean I can just give up immediately.
I really would like a 4.5" 6s and not a cheap plastic version like the 5c... Else I will stop buying anymore Apple products since like the new MacBookPro w/ forced limited functionality.... Just 1 port and have to buy more accessories eg muliple adaptors just to connect usb devices/hdmi/another apple product with the old/new(lightning port) and removed its dvd/bluray, the hardware spec is fine its just the functionality that is the limiting factor so in the end I bought a more productive device with more functionality not apple.
Make it 4", thick enough to swallow the camera and fill the space with more battery capacity to last a 'full' day of extensive use and you have a winner. Bigger is not always better.
To make battery life better, all it takes is an ampy. Not sure if you seen it mentioned before, but it's motion powered (uses movement) that stores the energy like a portable battery and charge is anytime, anywhere. No need to use wall outlets anymore. It works as good as them and it's portable. I preordered mine and saved a ton on my electric bill.
All we have to hope for is any phone camera manufactor makes it smaller, the reason why it currently sticks out like that on any phone is it's currently the smallest can be.
Whats new in the new iphone? What have they done creatively since the death of steve jobs. Large screens and finger print etc are old stories. I havent seen any innovation in iphone so far which sets it apart from other phones
Look at the camera, laminated display, more lte bands, apple pay, fast wireless connection and the way it transfer, siri that recognizes songs, earpods, lightning charger that charges devices in a few minutes, usb-c that has all 6 Macports into one, 5k display, thinner and energy efficient MacBooks that the new one is fan less not to mention, iPad Air 2 that's thinner than a pencil, force touch technology. I can go one with the list of things they did after Jobs but he would be beyond proud, furthermore, before Jobs' death iPhones changed slowly, after iphone it goes drastic even if it is a minor change in terms of s models. 5s got a few. 6s I hope will be waterproof. I saw a patent saying future iPhones would do it, and some on controlling Apple TV, vr headset, and home button being used as an analog stick.
I am very happy with my iPhone 6 Plus and will stick with this screen size. Before I get it, I was afraid that it may be too big for my hands but with reachability feature it was very easy to use.
I'm not necessarily a fan of the 6 plus phablet but I do love the size of the 6 which is the one I have. A 4" phone again would be too small for my hands and for my eyes but I think it's a great move to offer the 3 size options.
I love apple and iPhones but I don't like them getting bigger so I definitely want them to have 3 sizes but I think it's dumb that they would make the small one like it isn't important making it a 6c. Just my two cents.
I disagree.. You see the issue with what you said is that "You" don't think it's worth it to make a 6C. But what about younger kids, women, people in emerging markets, men with small hands, WORK PLACES...... My company issues iphones instead of Blackberrys.. Guess what is issued.. the iphone 5C... Why? Because its a work issued phone for WORK.... And they have to buy these phones in mass quantities.. Don't you think that they would opt for a cheaper version of the same phone? You don't need a huge screen to watch video's at work. So..... Why then, would Apple... or any company for that matter want to restrict themselves to premium phones when there is a HUGE market for non-premium phones... And because it's an iPhone... even buying the non-premium.. is still a premium purchase vs. the other options.... I'm just a business minded guy.... Jus' Sayin... Companies are trying to make money.. Not please you in every aspect... Remember that
Obviously if you could read I said that I want them to make 3 sizes including a smaller phone because I prefer the smaller phone. What I was saying is that I don't want them to make the smaller phone a iphone 6c and having worst specs just because it's smaller.
He next iphone obviously get a a9 chip due to ipad getting the a8x so thereby the last used chip in Apple devices before the next s iPhones get the next generation chip. With that said, the specs won't be as slow. If you think about the 5 the 5c and 5s, 5s got the a7 and the 5c and 5 get the a6, but due to iPad Air getting the a7 chip to, but if you think about it, there was no a7x (avenge sevenfold reference) chip so...
Yeah, Me too I like the 4" iPhone and I don't want to switch to a bigger screen, it fits my pocket easily, if they gonna call it 6C am gonna stick to my 5S.