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How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S

How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S

Posted June 19, 2009 at 1:15pm by iClarified
These are instructions on how to use the new Voice Control feature on the iPhone 3G S.


To activate Voice Control press and hold the Home button until the Voice Control screen appears on screen.

Call a Contact From Your Address Book
Say Call or Dial then say the name of the person. If the contact has more then one number you can follow up with the type of number. For example, say Call George Mobile.

Dial a Number
Say Call or Dial then say the number. For example, say Call 1 800 123 4567.

Make a Correction
If the Voice Control system got your command wrong you can make a correction by saying Wrong, Not That One, Not That, No, or Nope

Control Music Playback
You can use the Voice Control feature to control your iPod.
- To start playing say, Play or Play Music.
- To pause playing say, Pause or Pause Music
- To navigate through songs say Next Song and Previous Song

To specify what music to play you can use these commands:
- Play Album then the name of the album
- Play Artist then the name of the artist
- Play Playlist then the name of the playlist

To shuffle the current playlist simply say Shuffle

If you would like to find out more about whats playing you can say,
- What's Playing
- What Song is This
- Who Sings This Song
- Who is This Song By

If you would like to use the Genius feature to find similar songs say,
- Genius Play More Like This
- Genius Play More Songs Like This

Cancel Voice Control
To cancel Voice Control simply say, Cancel

To change the language used by Voice Control follow these steps.

Press to select Settings from your iPhone SpringBoard.
How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S

Press to choose General from the list of Settings Categories
How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S

Tap to select International from the General Settings menu
How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S

Select Voice Control from the International Preferences menu
How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S

Tap to choose your desired language from the Voice Control screen.
How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S

You can disable access to voice control when the iPhone is locked. Follow these instructions.

Press to select Settings from your iPhone SpringBoard.
How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S

Tap to choose General from the list of Settings Categories
How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S

Select Passcode Lock from the General Settings
How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S

Enter your Passcode when prompted
How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S

Move the Voice Dial switch to the OFF position.
How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S How to Use Voice Control on Your iPhone 3G S
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Comments (10)
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Harry the engineer
Harry the engineer - August 27, 2012 at 2:41am
Do understand concepts about voice control and VoiceOver. 2 differents concepts.
iPhone 3G S
iPhone 3G S - July 28, 2012 at 10:23pm
I had no idea voice control was available on my iPhone 3G S until my 13 month old son turned it on while he was playing with it.
Shauncy - June 19, 2009 at 1:21pm
This only works on the 3GS I guess?
t11chb - June 19, 2009 at 1:33pm
Yep, typical
Shauncy - June 19, 2009 at 1:36pm
Its a hardware specific thing I am assuming?
oranges - June 20, 2009 at 11:38am
The 2G/3G CPU is not powerful enough to run the voice recognition in real-time.
Jason - March 4, 2010 at 12:05pm
Nope, doesnt work at all... website matched all the others for info but i turn off voice control in that section and it will still launch voice control in locked mode.... When will companies learn that when we lock the phone we want it to stay that way until we unlock it...
Neil - May 6, 2010 at 10:37pm
It worked on my phone. 3GS. It did launch voice control in locked mode but it wouldn't accept an instruction to make a call.
Apple - January 24, 2011 at 4:26pm
No, it works on the iPod touch 4
Serynuch - September 4, 2014 at 5:29pm
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