Step Three Input the following command to make the change take immediate effect and press Enter.
killall Dock
Step Four You will now notice that clicking on an application in the dock will hide all other open applications. Notably, single application mode does not apply to keyboard shortcuts. Thus, you can still use Command+Tab to view multiple applications at the same time.
EXIT SINGLE APPLICATION MODE To exit Single Application mode, simply input the following commands into the Terminal window.
defaults write single-app -bool false killall Dock
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waste of time, who doesn't want to live with the wonderful multitasking developed since the first step of OS X! 0.00000000000000000001% of the users may will try this :)
waste of time, who doesn't want to live with the wonderful multitasking developed since the first step of OS X! 0.00000000000000000001% of the users may will try this :)