I had a problem with my jailbroken 3G I phone not turning on. It shut off one day and everytime i tried to restart it the apple logo would pop up and stay up for 30 sec or so then the screen would just go black and shut off. I tried everything and finally i just held the top power button forever until finally it turned back on, I probably held it for over a minute beefore it turned back on but thankfullly it did, i wasnt happy about the idea of paying $200 for another I phone.
My iphone 4 ,32gb is not turning on. when i changed the brightness of my phone it suddenly got switched off automatically and then it is not turning on back. i tried to reset the phone by holding the power button and home button, but apple logo appears and after 5 to 10 sec it will go off and a black screen.. iam not able to turn on my phone? can any one hep me to solve this problem. my mail id praveenkvrockon@live.com. Thank you. waiting for your reply sir..
That's NOT a Hard Reset, that's a Soft Reset.
A Hard Reset is much more drastic, much more rarely called for, and leaves your iPhone/iPod Touch in an unusable state until it is connected to iTunes. Apple store employees generally won't tell customers how to perform a Hard Reset, as it is such a drastic step and would likely cause more customer-service calls than it solved.
http://www.notebooks.com/2007/07/02/how-to-reset-an-iphone/ (Not my website, just a helpful one)
Just want to, um, Clarify.
You've got great site design, please make sure to get your facts.