An update to the Cydia Installer has added a new feature which can queue packages for batch installation.
To use the feature press the Cancel button when at a Package's Confirm Install screen. This will bring up two large buttons: Continue Queuing and Cancel and Clear.
If you press Continue Queuing you will notice that the package is highlighted in light green. You can now go and queue up more packages.
When ready to install press the Manage tab at the bottom of the screen then press the Queue button at the top right of the screen.
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A long awaited addition to an amazing iPhone App!
THANKS GUYS! Now, the only other thing I'd really like to see, is black listing updates for selected apps, sometimes, you just don't want to update :P
Easy to do! - Just have Cydia change the apps unique identifier. maybe with a menu like Poof where you could disable/enable updates for installed apps. Cheers!