You can easily share your iPhoto pictures by emailing them to others. Follow these steps to do so.
Step One Open iPhoto 08 by clicking its icon in the dock.
Step Two Select the pictures you would like to share by email. You can even select a whole event or album.
Step Three Click the Email icon at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
Step Four A Mail Photo popup window will appear.
From the Size dropdown menu select the size you would like the pictures to be when sent. The larger the size the better quality the photos will be for the person receiving them. Notice as you choose different sizes, the Estimated Size of your email will change. Many people can't receive emails bigger then 10MB so don't make your email bigger than that.
Finally if you would like to include your photo titles and comments then check the appropriate checkbox.
To continue click the Compose button.
Step Five iPhoto 08 will now launch Apple Mail. A new email will be created with all the images already added to the body of the message.
Type an email address into the To field and click the Send button! Thats all there is to it!
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