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How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Posted June 4, 2012 at 12:05pm by iClarified
These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone 4S on the 5.1.1 firmware using RedSn0w for Mac. The Windows version of this tutorial is here.

Please be aware that updating to iOS 5.1.1 will cause you to upgrade your baseband potentially ruining your chances for an unlock. Once on iOS 5.1.1 you should save your SHSH Blobs by following this tutorial.

If you want to jailbreak a lower firmware version you can find the appropriate tutorial here.

Step One
Create a folder on your desktop called Pwnage

Download the latest version of RedSn0w from here and place it in the Pwnage folder. Likewise, download the 5.1.1 firmware from here and place it in the Pwnage folder. (Note: you do not need to download the 5.1.1 firmware if you are already on iOS 5.1.1)

Extract the RedSn0w zip file by double clicking it.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Step Two: (You can skip this step if iOS 5.1.1 is already installed on your device)
Connect your iPhone to the computer and launch iTunes.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Select your iPhone from the list of devices on the left. Now hold down Option and click the Restore button. Restore is preferred as it won't create any wasted space on your iPhone.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Navigate to the Pwnage folder on your desktop and select the 5.1.1 firmware ipsw. Click the Choose button to continue.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

iTunes will now update your iPhone to the new firmware.

Step Three
Launch the redsn0w application from the redsn0w folder we extracted earlier.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Step Four
Once RedSn0w opens click the Jailbreak button.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Step Five
The Rocky Racoon jailbreak will now go through three steps to complete.

1. Preparing:
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

2. Processing:
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

3. Finishing up:
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

Step Six
Once this is complete you will be notified that RedSn0w is done. When your iPhone finishes rebooting (5 minutes or so) it will be jailbroken with Cydia on the SpringBoard.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S Using RedSn0w (Mac) [5.1.1]

*As usual a big thanks to the iPhone Dev-Team. Chronic Dev-Team, and Geohot for their hard work and contribution to the iPhone community.
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Comments (17)
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eder - April 3, 2015 at 8:34pm
esse e otimo recomendo
Candace - April 18, 2013 at 4:29am
i cant jailbreak my iphone 4s 5.1.1 it says jailbreak failed "service wouldnt start (4234)
Kaushal Mistry
Kaushal Mistry - January 24, 2013 at 11:48am
wen I restore my iphone 4s to 5.1.1 it is showing "This device isn't eligible for the requested build" plzz need some help...... reply as soon as possible...!!! :'(
jackelin - January 12, 2013 at 1:17am
para iphone 4s iOS 6.0.1 swisscom
jackelin - January 12, 2013 at 1:19am
help me please iPhone 4s ios 6.0.1 swisscom
qwe - November 27, 2012 at 10:57am
"Please Activate the Device First" I get this error can anyone please help?
Messiah - October 16, 2012 at 4:25pm
Yes I am. Have a 4S and in desperate (AT&T) need to unluck. Kindly assist. Me
Latrina - November 1, 2012 at 2:10pm
Hi I need some help please to do with cydia
FREOOY - November 1, 2012 at 2:58pm
Latrina what is wrong with cydia?...
nut'S-ion - September 23, 2012 at 7:47am
can an iPhone 4S be Hacktivated ? ore does it really need an official carrier ?
Kaon Northover
Kaon Northover - September 12, 2012 at 2:03am
ok and u have to be activated 1st so this won't work providing that you don't have a carrier
D - September 2, 2012 at 7:24pm
Any update on progress?
Nic - June 25, 2012 at 8:49am
Can't jailbreak my iPhone 4S on 5.1.1 (9B206). "Service wouldn't start (3986)
Shahmeer - June 9, 2012 at 6:33am
This is a very well written thread. Its interesting and also gets the job done. But for an easy way, A MUCH EASIER WAY go to OR to see only jailbreaking the easy way go to
tfong - June 8, 2012 at 1:26am
Is there a tutorial to preserve baseband upgrade for 4S??
Eddie Schramm
Eddie Schramm - June 5, 2012 at 4:15pm
Is it untethered?
Omar Garfio
Omar Garfio - June 7, 2012 at 3:01pm
Yep, it is.
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