One of the greatest features of Mac OS X is that it has built in support for creating PDFs. This is also useful if you want to transfer files to someone who may not have the same application installed.
To create a PDF follow these steps:
Step One Open any document that you would like to convert to PDF. In my case I will convert a picture from Preview into a PDF document.
Step Two Select Print from your applications File menu. NOTE***: The keyboard shortcut for print is usually Command+p.
Step Three Once the Print dialog box opens, click the PDF button at the bottom left of the window.
Step Four Select Save as PDF... from the dropdown menu.
Step Five A popup window will appear asking you to name the PDF file, select its location, and fill in its attributes. In the Save As field you can enter the filename. Then enter its Title, Author, Subject and Keywords. When done click the Ok button.
Step Six Notice a PDF of your document has now been saved in the location you specified!
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