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Apple Releases iOS 5 Beta 7 to Developers

Apple Releases iOS 5 Beta 7 to Developers

Posted August 31, 2011 at 10:37pm by iClarified
Apple has just seeded iOS 5 beta 7 to developers via OTA. Oddly enough, it is not in the dev center just yet.

No word yet on the changes in the beta, but as always we will keep you updated if we discover anything.

You can let us know in the comments if you find anything.

Update: Beta 7 Is now available to download from the dev center

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Apple Releases iOS 5 Beta 7 to Developers

Apple Releases iOS 5 Beta 7 to Developers

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Mike - September 1, 2011 at 4:37pm
NO CLUE WHY, BUT I CAN'T UPGRADE FROM iOS5 Beta 6 to 7. Yes, I'm registered on ADC and a legit user. OTA update as well as manual restore via XCODE and latest iTunes build results in an error. Am I the only one?
Simon Wejde
Simon Wejde - September 1, 2011 at 9:22pm
Have you tried to restore to manufacturing settings and then update OTA?
ColtsMild - September 1, 2011 at 12:39pm
Heads Up: I've been running each iOS 5 beta since beta 2 and I did an OTA update from beta 6 to 7 last night and upon reboot my 3Gs ended up in an infinite reboot loop. Not sure why this happened this time. I was tethered to my PC with iTunes running since I was down to 40% battery. Also, I did an iTunes backup while the OTA download was happening so perhaps this was part of the issue. Either way, I was unable to DFU the phone to let iTunes do a full "shift restore" so I had to revert to iReb4 to help me kick it into DFU mode, then iTunes took over from there. I will report this to Apple through the Dev channel but just wanted to give others here a fair warning to avoid repeating the process I went through for the update. Cheers and Good Luck! //ColtsMild
URBAN - September 1, 2011 at 1:49pm
Why anyone would run a backup sequence whilst performing an update in the first place is beyond me.. Stupid thing to do.
steph_za - September 2, 2011 at 11:26am
Also read the release notes it is clearly indicated what to do with 3GS and iTouch NEW: When trying to restore an iPhone 3GS or iPod touch 3rd generation device running Beta 6 to Beta 7 using iTunes, you will have to set the device into DFU or you can OTA update to Beta 7. To enter DFU mode you will have to: Connect the device to USB on your Mac. Turn the device off. Launch iTunes on your Mac. Hold down the Home and Power buttons for 10 seconds. Continue holding the Home button but let go of the Power button. Hold Home button for 13 seconds or until the device shows up in iTunes.
iPorwin - September 1, 2011 at 6:33am
Beta 8 is also coming!!
GB - September 1, 2011 at 3:30am
Accounts When creating an iCloud account, you can use any Apple ID as long as it is a full email address and not a MobileMe account. If you have a MobileMe account, you can move that account to iCloud. You can find more information on iCloud at: http://developer.apple.com/icloud AirPlay Starting in iOS 5, video content in applications and websites are AirPlay-enabled by default. iOS 5 supports AirPlay of video via AV Foundation. API Validation NEW: Starting in iOS 5.0 development tools beta 7, it is possible to extract APIs used by an application and have them checked for private APIs usage. This option will be offered at Validation time. Apple TV Apple TV Software beta enables users to mirror the contents of an iPad 2 to an Apple TV (2nd generation) using AirPlay. This beta software also enables Photo Stream on Apple TV so users can access photos stored in iCloud. Apple TV Software beta is being provided to test the latest AirPlay functionality with your iOS 5 apps and web sites. If you wish to install Apple TV Software beta on your device, you must first register your device UDID in the iOS Developer Program Portal. Slideshow settings are not remembered for slideshow playback (always plays back in Reflections theme). Screen savers settings are behaving properly. Binary Compatibility On applications linked against the iOS 5.0 SDK, scroll view content offsets will no longer be rounded to integral pixels during a pinch gesture. Calendar Birthday calendars are not currently available via the icloud.com website or in Windows. They will be available in a future release. Core Image Several filters have been added since beta 1. The current list now includes the following filters:CIAdditionCompositing, CIAffineTransform,CICheckerboardGenerator, CIColorBlendMode, CIColorBurnBlendMode,CIColorControls, CIColorCube, CIColorDodgeBlendMode, CIColorInvert,CIColorMatrix, CIColorMonochrome, CIConstantColorGenerator, CICrop,CIDarkenBlendMode, CIDifferenceBlendMode, CIExclusionBlendMode,CIExposureAdjust, CIFalseColor, CIGammaAdjust, CIGaussianGradient,CIHardLightBlendMode, CIHighlightShadowAdjust, CIHueAdjust,CIHueBlendMode, CILightenBlendMode, CILinearGradient,CILuminosityBlendMode, CIMaximumCompositing, CIMinimumCompositing,CIMultiplyBlendMode, CIMultiplyCompositing, CIOverlayBlendMode,CIRadialGradient, CISaturationBlendMode, CIScreenBlendMode,CISepiaTone, CISoftLightBlendMode, CISourceAtopCompositing,CISourceInCompositing, CISourceOutCompositing, CISourceOverCompositing, CIStraightenFilter, CIStripesGenerator, CITemperatureAndTint,CIToneCurve, CIVibrance, CIVignette, and CIWhitePointAdjust iBooks iBooks 1.2.2 may fail to display some text or images in books. Please update to iBooks 1.3 in the App Store. iCloud Backup If you enable iCloud Backup, automatic backup with iTunes when syncing will be disabled. We also suggest that you manually back up your device with iTunes. Backups made with earlier versions of iOS 5 beta will soon become incompatible, and will no longer be available. It is strongly advised you upgrade to this version of the iOS 5 beta in order to continue backing up your devices. iCloud Storage NEW: Starting in iOS 5 beta 7, the requirements for specifying container identifier strings in your application’s entitlements have changed. Each container identifier that does not include a wildcard character must exactly match the bundle identifier of an application published using the same team ID as your application. You are not required to include an entitlement that matches your app’s own bundle identifier; for example, a lite and pro version of your app could both specify the pro app’s bundle identifier to share the same container. The requirements for container identifiers that include wildcard characters have not changed, but you may need to update existing wildcard identifiers after changing any non-wildcard identifiers in your application’s entitlements to match the new rules. NEW: In this beta of iOS 5.0 the number of times an app can synchronize in quick succession with the servers has been reduced. If you are debugging your app and want to see whether your synchronize requests are being throttled, you can call the -[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore _printDebugDescription] method directly in gdb. Please note that -[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore _printDebugDescription] is an SPI so you are strongly advised not to use it in your app. On KVS, the per-key limit has been raised to 64Kb (to match the per-app limit); and the maximum number of keys has been raised to 256. During the iOS 5 beta period, any documents stored on the servers might be purged periodically before GM. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you do not store any critical documents or information on the servers. Provisioning Profiles no longer need to be enabled for iCloud in the iOS Provisioning Portal. All newly generated provisioning profiles are now automatically enabled for iCloud. If you are using an Xcode managed Team Provisioning Profile, click refresh in the Xcode Organizer to obtain a new iCloud-enabled profile. To enable all other provisioning profiles for iCloud, simply regenerate your profiles in the iOS Provisioning Portal. If your application is using the NSMetadataQuery class, you must set a predicate, the predicate is now honored. But the predicate is an NSPredicate-style predicate, not a Spotlight-style predicate an example of this is that you must use LIKE instead of = for wild card matching. The differences are defined in more detail at:http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Predicates/Articles/pSpotlightComparison.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002370-SW1 In this beta, the setSortDescriptors: method of NSMetadataQuery is not supported. To use iCloud prior to beta 5, you had to manually specify various container identifiers (your application’s Display set) within an Entitlements file for both of your Mac OS X and iOS projects.Starting in beta 5, to enable iCloud storage within your apps, simply click the “Enable Entitlements” checkbox in the Summary pane of your project. Xcode will create a custom entitlements file for your project that automatically includes your Team ID. You can add additional iCloud Container values as required by your application. (Note that you must regenerate your existing provisioning profiles, either with Xcode or in the iOS Provisioning Portal, to use iCloud storage.)If you specify a custom identifier string for your iCloud Key-Value Store or iCloud Container entitlement values, you no longer need to prepend your Team ID to the beginning of the string. Xcode will prepend your Team ID to these entries automatically The container identifier string you pass to theURLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier: method of NSFileManager MUST include the team ID at the beginning of the string. As a convenience, if you pass nil, Foundation uses the first document container ID specified in your app’s entitlements. There are issues using the Cloud Storage document API in conjunction with protected data which can lead to data corruption. In this beta, file presenters (objects that adopt the NSFilePresenterprotocol) do not receive some of the messages that they’re supposed to receive, especially: presentedSubitemDidAppearAtURL: presentedSubitemDidChangeAtURL: You can workaround this by implementing therelinquishPresentedItemToWriter: method and checking to see if the writer actually wrote when your file presenter reacquires. File presenters do receive presentedItemDidChange: messages in this beta. While reporting a bug related to the iCloud storage interfaces, please include the logs collected during your debugging session. To generate these logs, you must install a special debug profile on your device.The debug profile can be obtained from http://connect.apple.com. This profile enables the generation of debug logs that are needed to diagnose any problems using iCloud storage. The instructions to collect the logs are: Install the profile. (The easiest way to do this is to mail it to yourself and open the attachment on their device.) Reproduce the bug. Sync with iTunes to pull the logs off your device. Attach the logs to your bug report. You can find the logs in~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/DeviceName/DiagnosticLogs. These logs can grow large very quickly, so you should remove the profile after you have reproduced the problem and pulled the logs for the bug report. File names are case-insensitive in OS X but case-sensitive in iOS. This can lead to problems when syncing files between the two. You should take steps on iOS to avoid creating files whose names differ only by case. Find My iPhone After OTA update Find My iPhone does not work. To make it functional you can toggle the the Find My iPhone from OFF to ON in Settings. GameKit NEW: Auto-matching with the Turn-based view controller does not work. Invites or the direct auto-match API can be used as a workaround. Match data for turn based matches is currently limited to 4 KB of data. FIXED: Events will be passed to the delegate whenever a turn is made on a match, instead of just when it becomes the local player’s turn. iMessage iMessage beta 1 will be unable to communicate with iMessage users on beta 2 or later. FIXED:Setup Assistant does not provide AppleID password as an input for the FaceTime in iMessage. Xcode will provide a prompt to initiate the download of the device support components.If the Xcode 4.2 in iOS 5.0 beta 7 is installed over a previous Xcode 4.2 beta or Xcode 4.1, the iOS 4.3 Simulator and device support from the previous install will already be present, and the additional components will display as “Installed” in the Downloads pane of the Xcode Preferences.The installation packages for the downloaded components will be stored in ~Library/Developer/Xcode. When a new version of Xcode (beta or GM) will be installed, subsequent requests to install these components will use the local packages without requiring a new download. In some cases, Xcode 4.2 Organizer does not display a device that is in restore mode. As a workaround you can use iTunes to restore. In iOS 5 beta 5, iOS Simulator is not compatible with previous releases of the iCloud Developer Seed for OS X. It is highly recommended that you update to the latest iCloud Developer Seed to ensure compatibility. iOS 5.0 SDK supports both iOS 4.3 and iOS 5.0 simulators.
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