Comex, the jailbreak hacker who uncovered the previous JailbreakMe 2.0 exploit could be back at it again.
Earlier today Comex tweeted a teaser image that shows a ski slope and a sign with black diamond and PDF symbols. The ski slope and diamond icon could be a reference to 'alpine' which is the default password for root access on iOS. The PDF could be a reference to the previous PDF exploit Comex uncovered in iOS 4.0 (JailbreakMe 2.0).
JailbreakMe allows users to jailbreak straight from their iOS device via Safari. These userland jailbreaks are quick and easy but usually patched by Apple rather quickly.
This jailbreak could either be for 4.3.3 or 5.0, or even the iPad 2. Remember, all devices except the iPad 2 will always be jailbreakable via the Limera1n exploit. Apple can easily patch the untether so it would not make sense to burn an exploit with iOS 5 releasing in a few months.
Who thought a JB exploit wouldn't be found. Again and again this only leads one to think this guys have some kind of inside info at Apple.
See, JB is always available, meanwhile unlock is completely forgotten...
Also, no news on what AT&T CEO said, that unlocking iPhones for people overseas makes perfect sense? Come on, iC, stop just relaying on what Gizmondo and others publish and do some research yourself.
Finding an unlock exploit is a lot harder than jailbreak and many many more people use jailbreaks than unlocks.
Also the dev team have lost some members who worked on the unlocks and have said they're not going to post updates anymore since all people do is hassle and bitch a d whine now now now. They do this for free and people really don't respect that enough.
Want an unlocked iPhone? Then don't buy a locked one that can't be unlocked or don't update the firmware.
seriously i do belive dev-team is paid off by apple its so obvious now. Before they would come out with new unlocks and jailbreaks. Not it seems they're doing releases like how apple does their releases. It all marketing to them now. i think dev-team has a whole lot of audiences so that just as long as they have people watching them and waiting they'll get enough publicity and profits just from that. Advertisters apple etc. They may not be collecting profits but theirs got to be profts somewhere. hell no one does shit for free.