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iPhone Dev-Team Updates RedSn0w to Fix Bluetooth Issues With Untether

iPhone Dev-Team Updates RedSn0w to Fix Bluetooth Issues With Untether

Posted January 9, 2011 at 3:25am by iClarified
The iPhone Dev-Team has updated RedSn0w to fix Bluetooth issues with the 'Backup Plan' untether.

The fifth beta is now available (testers ONLY please!). Bluetooth is now working (and any sandbox-related issues should be resolved too). Please do not pirate the 4.2b3 IPSW! Only those enrolled in the iPhone Developer program have legitimate access to that IPSW.

There is actually a Windows version of beta5, but it’s excruciatingly slow compared to the Mac version because it’s forced to use files on your hard drive instead of RAM while it’s processing the very large IPSW images. It really is very very painfully slow, so we probably won’t be releasing it for testing purposes unless it can be sped up somehow.

You can download RedSn0w .0.7b5 from here. You can find instructions on how to use this version of RedSn0w to untether here.

iPhone Dev-Team Updates RedSn0w to Fix Bluetooth Issues With Untether
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Comments (22)
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Pablo - January 11, 2011 at 1:05pm
Hey guys, A few days after jailbraking my iphone using this method, I decided to restore my iphone to its factory settings. And while in the process of restoring with the apple logo and the restoring bar on the screen, I noticed that the restoring bar is stuck half way thru the process and it won't do nothing. I've waited and waited and nothing happens. What can I do?
LordGeek - January 9, 2011 at 11:27pm
Thanks DEV-TEAM .. Beta 5 worked like a champ .. everything so far appears to be working correctly, WiFi, BlueTooth etc etc etc. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK :)
nadir - January 10, 2011 at 3:49am
Except for crashes
LordGeek - January 10, 2011 at 2:53pm
Well you see there .. still not a problem for me .. I don't use Skype !!
Nodin - October 23, 2011 at 2:32am
Holy cocnsie data batman. Lol!
NeHoMaR - January 9, 2011 at 10:51pm
Can't stop laughing! HAHAHA! ... "Please do not pirate the 4.2b3 IPSW!" HAHAHA! We are all PIRATES! everyone with a jailbreak iPhone is a pirate! Dev-Team are pirates (and I don't have any problem for that)
t11chb - January 9, 2011 at 2:09pm
I think i'll wait for something else, this jailbreak seriously drained mine & the wifes batteries, as well as wifi issues. Just not worth it anymore
jack - January 9, 2011 at 4:32pm
can baseband 6.15 be downgraded to a lower number cus i thisn my 4.1 3g is slow because of 6.15 baseband helpppppppppp
troby86 - January 9, 2011 at 10:45am
It looks like Apple has finally won the war. 4.2.1 and the new iPhone 4 baseband has stopped these developers in their tracks. I'm sure Geohot has something, but he is sick of everyone else ridiculing him.
Thatcher - January 9, 2011 at 10:41am
Works like a charm.......Shame they can't release it for Windows peeps as well though
LordGeek - January 9, 2011 at 11:30pm
Would be nice .. would you believe it though, I actually went out and bought myself a Apple MAC Mini to screw around with LOL .. so now other than being able to jailbreak my iPhone 4 .. I now also have a new toy to learn .. so far its been fun :)
Braga - January 9, 2011 at 8:33am
hi all, i'm having the following trouble, can't figure why it's happening, could someone help me :) "AppleBCMWLAN::handleIOKitBusyWatchdogTimeout(): Error, no successful firmware download after 60000 ms!! Giving up..."
Peter Ooi
Peter Ooi - January 9, 2011 at 9:14am
Same here. Redsn0w 0.9.7b5 not working for me.
guingui - January 9, 2011 at 10:04am
me to ;(
punish14 - January 9, 2011 at 2:32pm
not working for me either.. the b4 was working no trouble.. but i also get this error
Guingui - January 9, 2011 at 8:48pm
U have to restore youre iphone to factory settings with iTunes then do a tether JB with redsn0w then do the untether JB
LordGeek - January 9, 2011 at 11:33pm
I had also received the same message .. had to start completely from scratch. Do a complete new RESTORE with 4.2.1 .. once you have done that .. use the redsn0w beta 5 for the Untethered Jailbreak .. but also have the "Install Cydia" checked off also .. worked like a champ.
punish14 - January 10, 2011 at 2:47am
so I restored factory 4.2.1 then used 0.9.6b4 and then 0.9.7b5 and everything worked on my 3G iPad.. pain in the ass considering I thought you could just go right over beta4 with beta5 as before.. but it is beta..
Vanja - January 9, 2011 at 6:27am
Dev Team became painfully slow. I remember the good ol' days when they'd just release the jailbreak and unlock few days after the official firmware release. Those days, unfortunately, are gone. I mean, come on, when was 4.1 out and new i4 baseband? 4.2.1 was out in November. It is January now. Still no unlock and still no untethered jailbreak. Just like many other people, my next iPhone will be officially unlocked. No more cat&mouse game for win. Apple wins!
ayaa - January 9, 2011 at 5:34am
Thanx for the good work...................but when to release full version. Release for windows also plx.
iSohrab - January 9, 2011 at 5:13am
thanks to dev-team
KRC - January 9, 2011 at 4:32am
Keep going dev team, but i hope not many betas are still coming up before the (very long awaited) official public release!
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