These are instructions on how to add a firmware bundle to PwnageTool.
You may need to do this to add the unofficial iPhone Dev-Team bundle that will let you create a custom ipsw for the old bootrom iPhone 3GS that won't update your baseband when upgrading to iOS 4.2.1.
Step One Make a folder called "Pwnage" on the desktop. Download PwnageTool 4.1.3 into the folder.
You will also need to get the minimal iPhone 3GS bundle iPhone2, Double click to extract it to the Pwnage folder.
Step Two Double click to mount PwnageTool then drag the PwnageTool icon into the Pwnage folder.
Step Three Right click the extracted PwnageTool app and choose Show Package Contents from the menu that appears.
Step Four Navigate to Contents/Resources/FirmwareBundles/
Step Five Copy and paste the iPhone2,1_4.2.1_8C148a.bundle from the Pwnage folder on your desktop into the FirmwareBundles folder.
Step Six You can now launch PwnageTool from the Pwnage folder on your desktop and the application will detect your new firmware bundle.
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The link appears to be dead. Is there a official link that archives the firmware bundles? I keep getting an error message, "Wrong firmware bundle selected" so i believe this may help to fix that problem. I am stuck in restore mode loop after trying to custom restore to 4.3.3 on my 3gs with 5.11.7bb on 3.1.2 fw... I've tried TU, RecBoot several times in addition to other methods to no avail. After much reading found out apple added baseband requirement in 4.2.1. So now i want to restore to 4.1 only. I have iPhone2,1_4.18B117_Restore.ipsw firmware which is what is giving me the error in PwnageTool. I need to add this firmware bundle. Any help with the link or bundle(s) is appreciated.
nope, doesn't work, Pwnage still can't find the firmware, I notice the icon of the files after I paste them is still ahve the little music and ipod logo on the sides, where as the others don't. Maybe this is an issue???? Please help???
i created the custom FW using these steps and restored to it but when I'm trying to jailbreak my device using redsnow, redsnow can't determine the custom FW but to the stock FW and it stop when my device is restarting and all i get is a white screen can any one help
I can't copy and paste the bundle file like the tutorial above at all so please anyone can help me. My iPhone 3GS got error when using redsnow to jailbreak and unlock on fw 4.2.1 (bb 06.), stuck with USB logo and iTunes, so I need to restore cfw 4.2.1 right? But I can't add this bundle. Pls pls pls help ;(
Same thing here is happening..i cant copy and paste and gives the error message "Firmware cannot be modified". Im running on Admin account. any help? pls?
Sill no luck with iPhone 3Gs newer model updated baseband to 06.15.00. After using redsn0w cydia won't open also Safari. I think there is a problem with some pop-ups, because when you start cydia for the first time it aks's you developer, normal user, etc. And also safari when you start it for the first time it pops up bookmarks. Also one interesting thig even this is newer model when I restart it goes straight to home screen. I tried redsn0w with option that this is not newer iPhone and in the next step it says that this IS a new model - wierd :S Any help would be very nice. tnx
Ok realy stupid of me....
If you have the same problem, you just have to boot thetherd via redsn0w even if your phone woke up to desktop menu.
That's all then cydia is working fine.
After the restor with custom fw cydia won't open it just blinks... also safari it opens and then closes.
Any idea?
I'm currently doing complete process all over
Will report ;)
Same to me. I had 3GS (week 29) 4.0.1 baseband and updated preserving baseband to 4.2.1 but cydia and safari do not open, just blink. Any idea how to solve it?
I have an iPhone 3GS (old bootrom) on iOS 4.0.1 baseband 05.13.04 and I want to update to iOS 4.2.1. If I use this bundle, will my iPhone 3GS be on iOS 4.2.1 with the same baseband as iOS 4.0.1 (05.13.04)?
i think if you just make custom firmware with 4.2.1 and restore it. it should keep your 5.13 baseband and then you can just install ultrasnow from cydia.
So did it work for you ?, I have the Same Modem Version on the 3GS Old BR, but i'm waiting to hear a successful story before I do anything to my phone..