Mac360 has listed their Top 28 Most Important Mac apps of historical and popular notoriety.
Part #1 lists the top 14 apps from Apple, Microsoft, and Adobe. Part #2 lists the top 14 apps from 3rd party app developers who have helped make the Mac what it is today.
The top 14 apps from Apple, Microsoft, and Adobe: 14 - Final Cut Pro 13 - Fireworks and Dreamweaver 12 - Filemaker Pro 11 - Terminal 10 - iPhoto 9 - Illustrator 8 - QuickTime 7 - Safari 6 - Flash 5 - PageMaker 4 - Microsoft Word 3 - Microsoft Excel 2 - Photoshop 1 - iTunes
I agree that all these applications are the best. I just have one thing...Apple should get credit for Bootcamp; right now it is under non-Apple. Just saying.