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E o trabalho continua na preparação do Cydia para o iOS 4.2

E o trabalho continua na preparação do Cydia para o iOS 4.2

Posted November 5, 2010 at 11:14am by iClarified
EnglishPortuguese (Brazil)

Chpwn e saurik estão varando a madrugada preparando a versão atualizada do Cydia, de acordo com um tweet do MuscleNerd.

Anteriormente, nós avisamos que o Jailbreak do iOS 4.2 poderia atrasar pois o Cydia ainda não estava preparado para o novo firmware.

Felizmente eles concluirão a tempo! Enquanto isso você pode conferir abaixo um screenshot com o Settings atualizado.

E o trabalho continua na preparação do Cydia para o iOS 4.2
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Comments (5)
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Nt02 - November 5, 2010 at 2:30pm
So, first you apologize to everyone about them being equal and then you call them potty mouths?! Or are you just bad at english?! Engrish funny?
James - November 5, 2010 at 2:40pm
Saurik doesn't make money unless he sells a package that he designed. Rock was using unstable coding which is why some updates screwed people hard. So he never said he'd incorporate that but would use the package backup portion. Maybe you should be thankful for all he's done like shsh blobs, helping on jailbreaks, cydia etc.
warning - November 6, 2010 at 7:08pm
Hey, Name and all others who don't watch their languages..Please argue somewhere else if you will keep using words which many people don't want to see here. By writing that kind of words, you can'get anywhere. And you Name, if you don't like Cydia, you don't have to use it and then you don't have to say anything about it. Noone is forcing you to use it or wtire comment.
A.C. - November 5, 2010 at 11:29am
What sucks is that chpwn has stated in a later tweet that that is about the only new thing for UI in cydia...
Leonick - November 5, 2010 at 12:01pm
Sigh... and UI is what they need to work on, it's just a mess... They bought rock, take their UI, it was great
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