Cómo Sincronizar Tu iPhone Con Multiples Computadoras
Posted October 27, 2008 at 8:48pm by iClarified
Estas son instrucciones para sincronizar tu iPhone con dos o mas computadoras a la vez.
Para hacer un poco más claro este proceso, el tutorial está dividido en dos partes. La primera te enseñará cómo obtener la ID de la Biblioteca iTunes de tu computadora principal. La segunda parte modificará tu computadora secundaria para usar la misma ID de Biblioteca iTunes, con esto permitir la sincronización con ambas.
Para tu comodidad, las instrucciones de la parte Uno y Dos contemplarán casos de Windows y Mac.
PARTE UNO (MAC) Si tu computadora principal es una Mac, inicia aquí...
Paso Uno Abre una nueva ventana de Finder con un click en el ícono de Finder ubicado en el dock.
Paso Dos Selecciona Ir a la carpeta... en el menú Ir.
Paso Tres Escribe ~/Music/iTunes en el campo de texto, luego da click en el botón Ir.
Paso Cuatro Doble click en el archivo nombrado iTunes Music Library.xml para abrirlo en TextEdit.
Paso Cinco Anota el valor de la ID Persistente de tu Biblioteca (Library Persistent ID key). Procura no modificar el archivo antes de cerrarlo. Debe verse algo como D501EB4887717F8F.
PARTE UNO (WINDOWS): Si tu computadora principal es una Windows PC, inicia aquí...
Paso Uno Presiona el botón de inicio Windows, situado en la parte inferior izquierda de la pantalla y selecciona Music del menu.
Paso Dos Doble click en la carpeta iTunes.
Paso Tres Doble click en el archivo llamado iTunes Music Library.xml para abrirlo en el Bloc de Notas (Notepad)
Paso Cuatro Anota el valor de la ID Persistente de tu Biblioteca (Library Persistent ID key). Procura no modificar el archivo antes de cerrarlo. Debe verse algo como D501EB4887717F8F.
PARTE DOS (MAC): Si tu computadora secundaria es una Mac, continúa aquí...
Paso Uno Abre una nueva ventana de Finder con un click en el ícono de Finder ubicado en el dock.
Step Two Selecciona Ir a la carpeta... en el menú Ir.
Step Three Escribe ~/Music/iTunes en el campo de texto y luego dale click al botón Ir.
Paso Cuatro Primero creamos un respaldo de nuestra iTunes Music Library.xml y la iTunes Library. Selecciona ambos archivos y presiona Command+C y luego Command+V en tu teclado. Esto hará una copia de respaldo de los archivos.
Paso Cinco Doble click para abrir iTunes Music Library.xml.
Paso Seis Anota la actual ID de tu Biblioteca (Library Persistent ID) y luego cambia la Library Persistent ID por la que ya tenías anotada de la computadora principal. Guarda el archivo.
Paso Siete Ahora necesitamos abrir la iTunes Library usando un HexEditor. Podemos bajar HexEdit de aquí
Paso Siete Una vez que has abierto la iTunes Library usa HexEdit para buscar la vieja Library Persistent ID que reemplazamos en el Paso Cinco. Hazlo dando click en Find en la barra de Menú. Asegúrate que seleccionas Hex como tu modo de búsqueda.
Paso Ocho Una vez hallado, reemplaza la antigua Library Persistent ID con la que copiamos en el Paso Uno y guarda el archivo.
Paso Nueve Ahora puedes abrir iTunes y conectar tu iPhone a la nueva computadora para sincronizar. Selecciona tu iPhone de los dispositivos a la izquierda. Nota que si seleccionamos ahora Manejar manualmente música y videos de la pestaña de Sumario no te saldrá la advertencia de que estás a punto de borrar tus datos, ni se borrarán los archivos en ti iPhone.
PARTE DOS (WINDOWS): Si tu computadora secundaria es una Windows PC continúa aquí....
Paso Uno Presiona el botón de Windows (Inicio) en la esquina inferior izquierda de tu pantalla. Selecciona Music del menú.
Paso Dos Doble click en la carpeta iTunes.
Paso Tres Primero crearemos un respaldo de iTunes Music Library.xml y de iTunes Library.itl. Selecciona ambos archivos y presiona Control+c y luego Control+v en tu teclado. Esto hace una copia de respaldo de los archivos.
Paso Cuatror Doble click para abrir iTunes Music Library.xml.
Paso Cinco Anota la actual Library Persistent ID y luego cámbiala a la que copiamos en la Parte Uno. Guarda el archivo.
Paso Seis Ahora necesitamos abrir iTunes Library.itl usando un HexEditor. Puedes descargar HexEdit de aquí
Paso Siete Paso Siete Una vez que has abierto la iTunes Library usa HexEdit para buscar la vieja Library Persistent ID que reemplazamos en el Paso Cinco. Hazlo dando click en Find en la barra de Menú. Asegúrate que seleccionas Hex como tu modo de búsqueda.
Paso Ocho Una vez hallado, reemplaza la antigua Library Persistent ID con la que copiamos en el Paso Uno y guarda el archivo.
Paso Nueve Ahora puedes abrir iTunes y conectar tu iPhone a la nueva computadora para sincronizar. Selecciona tu iPhone de los dispositivos a la izquierda. Nota que si seleccionamos ahora Manejar manualmente música y videos de la pestaña de Sumario no te saldrá la advertencia de que estás a punto de borrar tus datos, ni se borrarán los archivos en ti iPhone.
GRACIAS***: Este tutorial está basado en el descubrimiento de Andrew Grant. Él merece el crédito por este trabajo. Puedes checar su blog y lo que escribe al respecto aquí
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All the parts are okay until i tried to find the older ID with hexedit and it stated the string is not found and I was stuck in a dead end. Any solutions?
I tried this and it worked for my iPod, but not my iPhone and they were from the same library and had the same Library Persistent ID. Any idea why this might've happened?
1) Close iTunes
2) Update the .xml file with the persistent ID
3) delete sentinel file
4) Delete .itl file and recreate a text-file with the same name.
Its 3:18 in the morning, and i have finally concluded my search for this single elusive answer!!
The trick wasn't working for my iphone until I did THIS!! Thank you!
Quote of Damian: 1) Close iTunes 2) Update the .xml file with the persistent ID 3) delete sentinel file 4) Delete .itl file and recreate a text-file with the same name.
I have tried this several times, but the ID keeps getting reset within the "iTunes Library.itl" file which then updates the .xml file. I have even tried setting the .itl file to read only but then Itunes won't open complaining that the file is locked. Wow. I never had an issue copying music from anywhere with my droid.
That's probably because your iTunes is open, but (refer to what I said above, I think they patched it in iTunes 11.)
Everything seems to revert to the old Persistent ID.
I also noticed that there is a file named "Sentinel" (If you show hidden folders.) Using HexEdit, you'll see that it also has the ID in it.
I changed all 3 ID's (iTunes library.itl, iTunes Music Library.xml and the Sentinel's file ID) with iTunes 11 reverting it straight back to the original IDs..
Pretty sure I've done everything correctly, iTunes was also closed for the duration.
I couldn't get it to work with iTunes 11 so I decided to use gSyncit and open a Google mail account for contacts/calendars. I was already syncing Tasks/Notes with Toodledo using gSyncit so that wasn't a big deal at this point.
I just find Apple is not making my life any easier despite what they say. The Palm TX was so much simpler - all apps were syncing automagically to Palm Desktop on multiple computers. Each 3rd party app was installing a conduit where needed (time sheet, encrypted notes...), and you only had 1 button to press to sync everything. And your data was local on your own machines.
With Apple you have to install other pieces of software on top of iTunes/Outlook, open up accounts on different Web services, and your data is dispersed overs a few Internet servers (cloud) over which you have absolutely no control. There are advantages to that too, mind you, but only if I happen to have my iPhone stolen while away at the end of the world (not often...)
Bad Apple, instead of improving they make things ever so complicated.
hi...while saving itunes music library.xml in apple editor after changing the persistent key, it shows following syntax error-
A < cant go here.
plsss tell a way out....
In stage 8 of the instructions, you say that we have to replace the OLD LIBRARY PERSISTENT ID with the no. obtained from stage 1 - but this is the SAME number surely? Please clarify. Thanks.
Any way to do this for a new mac which has mountain lion? Mountain lion is not allowing itunes 10 to be downgraded to itunes9 by uninstalling and the technic specified in this post does not work because itunes reverts the ID back to what it was. Any more options?
did you ever get it working in iTunes 10 on mountain lion? I've used several different text editors and check the string in both lib files and it keeps reverting back to the old persistent id.
yes it worked after some of these steps - first go to the applications folder and go to "show info" for itunes app [select itunes and hit command+i] > here change the permissions to "read & write" for everything > now trash itunes and it should go off > now download an older version of itunes and install it [something lower than 10]... after this try the entire process and it should retain the persistant ID this time..... theres something with itunes 10 which reverts it to the previous default id... try this and see.
so, had to downgrade, change user permissions on mountain lion to delete iTunes, then deleted iTunes folder, installed previous version of iTunes, changed the xml, then the hex edit (super easy btw), downloaded newest iTunes, works, done. thank you.
Im trying to still figure out how the hex edit works. I copied old itl file, pasted it in hex editor and clicked search but i get nothing. And once you do find it, how do you replace it? this is the only step im confused about.
Hi, I dont need to sync my iPhone with multiple computers, but I have a new laptop (PC) nad all I want is to be able to Sync my iPhone 4 and iPod Touch with my new laptop and stop syncing with the old one. Is this possible?
i dont think this works for itunes 10 . . .
cause it still prompts me to erase & sync , & when i check back into the files, the old code reappears. i have done this successfully on other computers, i dont know whats causing this problem now, especially since none of the files are read only.
I've installed iTunes on my new computer and then copied the iTunes folder from my old computer and replaced that folder on my new computer and it has worked two different times.
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Yes, sadly this no longer works in iTunes 10. On the "secondary" computer, i.e. the one where we change the ID manually, the ID gets reset to its original value by iTunes once any action (e.g. playing a song or, more importantly, plugging in a device) is performed. Interestingly if you just load iTunes and quit, the ID change does stick.
So it seems iTunes is reading the ID from somewhere else. Perhaps from another settings/preference file? (Hopefully) Worst case is that this is now a hard-coded check and the ID is based on something we can't easily change (e.g. hardware ID/CPU serial number/MAC/etc or derivation from one of those).
I'll keep checking back to see if someone's come up with a workaround! I'll keep playing with it too... It's really too bad since the new sync provided by Apple is only for purchases from their store, not any other files (which could be perfectly legal as well, such as CD imported MP3s).