Comex ha lanzao oficialmente el jailbreak para el iPad 2 para iOS 4.3.3.
El jailbreak utiliza un exploid PDF similar a JailbreakMe y no requiere conectar tu dispositivo a una computadora.
Para hacer el jailbreak, navega hasta en tu dispositivo con iOS luego de actualizarlo a iOS 4.3.3. Vamos a postear un detalle instrucciones para llevarte a traves del proceso muy pronto. Puedes seguirnos enTwitter y Facebook utilizando lso links al final de la pagina para mas actualizaciones.
Un gran agradecimiento a Comex por este gran trabajo para hacer este jailbreak posible.
Update: Hay unos pocos bugs manteniendo elsitio vivo... MuscleNerd: "todos miren aqui mientras algunas cosas se arreglan :)"
Update 2: Las cosas parecen andar bien ahora. Puden seguir nuestro tutorial de iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch para hacer el jailbreak! Si conoces otro lenguaje por favor ayudanso y envia tu traduccion en otro de los tutoriales.
Update 3: Aca estan las versiones de firmware soportadas: ● iPad1: 4.3 a 4.3.3 ● iPad2: 4.3.3 ● iPhone3GS: 4.3 a 4.3.3 ● iPhone4: 4.3 a 4.3.3 ● iPhone4-CDMA: 4.2.6 a 4.2.8 ● iPod touch 3g: 4.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.3 ● iPod touch 4g: 4.3 a 4.3.3
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Since the Jailbreak my iPad won´t Synchronise correctly. It gets stuck performing step 1, backup. The same with my iPhone4. I restored in iTunes and performed the Jailbread again and just installed Cydia then tried to Sync. Same probelm. Anyone else with this problem?
Yes, iBooks seems to crash on any purchased books I have. Other books (PDFs) work fine.
This is on an iPad 2 64GB Verizon with nothing installed after the jailbreak (except Cydia of course). I've tried rebooting with a hard reset. I've tried deleting the books and re-synching. I've tried re-downloading the books. Nothing seems to work.
I recall a previous jailbreak broke iBooks and there was later a patch for it.
Bummer :(
A fantastic job to Comex and the team, just JB my iPad 2 64GB 3GWiFi on 4.3 no problems, THANKYOU. now I can use my £700 device to its fullest potential. massive credit where credits due.
AMAZING JOB! works perfectly, so easy, unreal. thank you so much comex, fantastic job. finally able to use my very expensive device to its fuill potential