Apple Watch ECG Feature Already Credited With 'Saving' User
Posted December 7, 2018 at 10:43pm by iClarified
The recently launched electrocardiogram (ECG) feature on the Apple Watch Series 4 is already being credited with saving its first user.
Reddit user edentel describes trying out the ECG app after its launch yesterday.
Weird. Abnormal heat rate notifications. Ran the ECG app and came back afib. Well...glitchy firmware. Let’s try again. Afib. Again and again and again. Piece of crap watch. My wife wakes up and I put it on her. Normal. Normal. Me afib. Try the other wrist, try the underside of the wrist. Every time afib warning.
Thankfully, he goes to the doctor and explains that the Apple Watch is giving him an afib warning. He's quickly ushered inside and past the queue of waiting patients. After being hooked up for an ECG the technician looks at the screen and says, "I'm going to get the doctor".
Doctor comes in, looks at the screen, looks at me and says “You should buy Apple stock. This probably saved you. I read about this last night and thought we would see an upswing this week. I didn’t expect it first thing this morning.”
Edentel ends the post saying he's headed to a cardiologist 'right now' and offers this advice to others.
"Test yourself. I didn’t have a clue. I may not ever have."
You can learn more about the new ECG feature of the Apple Watch Series 4 here. The full story can be found on reddit at the link below. You may also want to check out the Apple Watch ECG chart vs the one from the doctor.