These are instructions on how to find your iPhone's ECID using iTunes for Mac or Windows.
ECID stands for Exclusive Chip ID or Electronic Chip ID and it's a number unique to each device. You may be asked for your ECID when saving SHSH blobs.
Step One Connect your iPhone to your computer via a USB cable and launch iTunes.
Step Two Click the iPhone icon at the top left of the iTunes window to view your device.
Step Three Make sure you are on the Summary screen and then click the serial number of your device twice to reveal its ECID.
Step Four You can now use Command+C or Control+C to easily copy the ECID to the clipboard.
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Why? The most common reason to need to find out your Apple devices ECID is so you can use TSS Saver, and save an authentication ticket so you can install an iOS/iPhone/iPad/etc Firmware version after apple stops signing, that is after they stop allowing the currently allowed firmware version(s) to be installed. All models except for the iPhone 6S Just need your device type and ECIM, the 6S also needs the CPU model which can be one of two things (I have the N71AP- I don't know off hand what the other possible CPU model is).