LiberiOS 11.0.1 Jailbreak Released With Support for All iDevices
Posted December 29, 2017 at 11:05pm by iClarified
Jonathan Levin has announced an update to the LiberiOS jailbreak bringing support for all iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices running iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2.
LiberiOS 1.0.1 Changelog: ● Now with a proper GUI thanks to the talented @horatiohno ● Supports all i-Devices, thanks to ARX8x ● Also even more stable due to proper cleanup in one special case. Shouldn't crash on you, but let me know if it does. ● AMFId can be killed, be reborn, but will be just as debilitated :-) ● Arbitrary Dylib loading works. NO, CYDIA SUBSTRATE WON'T. Not my problem - @Saurik owns this one
We'll let you know once Cydia has been updated for this jailbreak and can be safely run. Please follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS for updates.
You guys think a more official jailbreak is coming for 11.1 with working Cydia? I just got an iPhone 8 and luckily it came with 11.1.2 so I’m patiently waiting and hoping...
Iclarified has gone downhill in 2017. The Apple TV jailbreak guide clearly is incorrect for the 4K version since it doesn’t have a USB port. Hopefully they clean up that article soon!
the version 11.0.1 of LiberiOS does not work. Use the first version 11.0 . Also please do note that this is not for end users it will not help at all until Cydia works. Stay tuned to the website for LiberiOS for further developments.
LiberiOS developer has clearly stated that Saurik is not responding to his messages, which would indicate Saurik is working independently with another JB community to develop a Cydia update for another JB tool. If that’s truly the case it would mean that people who already jailbroke their phones with LiberiOS would be left with a hack with no Cydia to run, and applying a different JB tool over the previous one would make the operating system unstable and unpredictable. I’d suggest people wait until there’s a clear indication of where Saurik’s work is going before applying a JB tool. I don’t think it’s a responsible thing to go writing articles like this stating tha Cydia is on the works, without mentioning that it may be updated for a JB tool different than LiberiOS.
This f@@king jailbreak is not working .followed all the instructions I have 2 iPhoneX iPhone 7 tried in all of them didn’t work .When you tap on jailbreak doesn’t do anything then it says reboot I’ve rebooted my devices several times can you you please fix this issue we can jailbreak? Thank you
Dunno... Gonna give Jonathan more time to polish the jailbreak, currently it looks beta enough to me. Either way it's great! My iPhone X will be jailbroken merely days ahead of its purchase ;)