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How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Posted October 19, 2009 at 5:36pm by iClarified
These are instructions on how to patch the CommCenter of your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS to enable Internet tethering.

Warning: These are advanced instructions and are not suggested for beginners.

Prerequisites: You must be jailbroken on the iPhone 3.1.2 firmware. You need to have SSH installed and you need to know the IP Address of your device on the local network. Finally you will also need Fugu installed.

Step One
Create a folder on your desktop called Pwnage. In it place the patch file for your appropriate device. [3G] [3GS]
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Step Two
Double the download zip file to extract its contents. You will get a folder called CommCenter_3g_312 or CommCenter _3gs_312.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Step Three
Launch Fugu from your applications folder.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Step Four
Input your iPhone's IP Address in the Connect To: field and use root as the Username. Click the Connect button to continue. For this to work you must have SSH installed.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

When prompted input alpine as the password then click the Authenticate button.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Step Five
Once Fugu opens the directory contents of your device, use the left panel to navigate to the Pwnage folder on your desktop.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Next, click the Go To.. button on the toolbar.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Input /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/ into the Go To field, select Remotely, then click the Go button.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Drag the CommCenter file from the right panel into the left panel to copy it to your computer.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Step Six
Launch Terminal by double clicking it from the Applications:Utilities folder on your computer.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Execute cd Desktop/Pwnage to navigate to your Pwnage folder.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Execute bspatch CommCenter CommCenter-patched CommCenter_3g_312/CommCenter3g.patch to make a patched version of the CommCenter.

IMPORTANT: Remember to change 3g to 3gs if you have the iPhone 3GS. ie. bspatch CommCenter CommCenter-patched CommCenter_3gs_312/CommCenter.patch
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Now we need to confirm that the patched file was created successfully. Input this command into the Terminal window to check: /usr/bin/openssl sha1 CommCenter-patched.

Check your SHA1 with the correct ones below to make sure the patch occurred successfully. If it did not. Do not continue.
1b19712035f33654cf72838ebe1a2033931b56b2 # 3GS
063165c3fa3e21d30eb4b486fab924ba3ef0ea5e # 3G
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Step Seven
Return to Fugu and Control-Click CommCenter in the right panel. Select Rename from the contextual menu and rename the file to CommCenter-backup.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Click the Reload button on the toolbar if necessary then drag the CommCenter-patched file from the left panel to the right.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Control-Click the CommCenter-patched file from the right panel and select Get Info from the contextual menu. At the bottom of the Info window change the permissions to 0755 and click the Apply button.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Control-Click the CommCenter-patched file in the right panel and select Rename from the contextual menu. Rename the file to CommCenter.
How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

How to Enable Tethering on Your 3.1.2 iPhone 3G, 3GS

Step Eight
You may now reboot your iPhone and you will be able to use Internet Tethering. You may need to follow this tutorial to apply the correct settings for your carrier.

***THANKS: I'm not sure who first found this patch; however, thanks to MuscleNerd for announcing it!
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Comments (40)
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haymon - May 26, 2010 at 7:58pm
works with 3.1.3 firmware???
Ruben D Mercado
Ruben D Mercado - April 21, 2010 at 1:32pm
Anyone try this on a 3.1.3?
Mark - May 3, 2010 at 3:36am
No, I can't boot up...
fink - May 6, 2010 at 12:40pm
I'd like to know the same: will it work on 3.1.3, 3GS, spirit jb?
pohaha - March 26, 2010 at 12:02pm
I followed these instructions carefully and I was in a neverending reboot. I ssh'd back in and erased what I did. I've been able to use my iphone, but have somehow sms messaging no longer works. When I click on messaging the screen where there should be a list of my old messages shows up blank and launches a new message for me to send then it closes. I have not been able to get or send my sms messages since. Please someone have a fix to this or tell me which command to use to get my sms messaging back to normal. I've restored like 5 times, I tried ultrasn0w and blacksn0w to unlock. I even downgraded back to 3.1 without any luck. iphone 3g 8gb jb: pwnage ul:blacksn0w Thanks in advance!
Jon2168 - January 31, 2010 at 11:46pm
Sam, thanks for your post. The link worked well for AT&T.
Marc - January 13, 2010 at 3:23am
iphone crash after following these tutorials to enable tethering!! I am in big trouble with my iphone 3GS, jailbroken with Blackra1n, firmware 3.1.2 and baseband 05.11.07. I am using the last itunes (9.0.2) My goal was to to enable tethering on my iphone. I first installed openSSH by following this tutorial: Then I installed Fugu with this tutorial : At this time I reboot the iphone and everything was fine. Then I finally followed this tutorial to enable tethering : I think I did not reboot at this time. To install my carrier settings I used this website: I installed this carrier settings « Bouygues Telecom France v6.3 ». After all this I restarted my iphone and it never restart again ! It always freeze on the apple logo and restart as itself. Its a neverending reboot loop. I try the recovering and hard recovering with itunes. Itunes can see the iphone but when it start the recover it freeze with an empty status bar on the iphone. Then itunes stop and show « waiting for iphone error 9 ». What can I do to save my iphone ! Please help
Pohaha - March 23, 2010 at 2:17am
Ugh! I should've checked here before doing this! Mine is in a neverending reboot as well. Anyone know a fix to this?
Sam - January 10, 2010 at 9:07pm
Check this website before you do that: Enjoy!
firecracker - January 10, 2010 at 7:19pm
Thanks for clarifying tutorials. This tethering thing works like a charm.
IceCoolDesi - December 16, 2009 at 1:44pm
Since the is no Fugu fo Windows users, use NetDragon iPhone PC Suite to do file transfer, permission change and renaming of files. For patching and SHA1 compare, I used Terminal application on OS X.
Brent - December 9, 2009 at 7:30am
Too cool - all works fine (posting this using tethering now). Thanks for another easy to follow and handy tutorial!
Sam - November 16, 2009 at 1:38am
This is too much work. I just install RockID app, then open RockID to download 3G tethering. Then, go setting--> general--> network. Tethering ready
Roberto - October 25, 2009 at 6:54am
Thanks. Most helpful. Now to tether to jolicloud(Ubuntu) somehow...
Noman - October 24, 2009 at 6:13pm
Works perfectly. The instructions aren't the clearest and I'm no expert but this has just worked fine on 3gs 3.1.2 This tutorial made the internet tethering option return in the network settings page, I then reinstalled the 02 profile that I had previously been using and turning it on. I did try using PDAnet from Cydia but its not great, the connection was dropping out and the speeds were not what I would get from standard tethering. Thank you to whoever found/created the tutorial. Tom
UltraSoul - October 22, 2009 at 9:16pm
Did it. does not change anything. I mean everything looks okay and the phone still works etc, but no tethering.
briane - October 22, 2009 at 2:04pm
Does allthis mean that you willonly be tethered by wi-fi using the networkIP address installed and if one wanted to tether away fromthe networkone would have to find a wi-fi network and get its IP address and reload
Brian - October 21, 2009 at 1:48pm
I did all of the above, and the installed the profile at The tethering works, but then it stops my visual voice mail from working.... Anyway to get both of them working at the same time?
Jon - October 21, 2009 at 1:02pm
I finally got the commcenter hack installed, and did all the other steps in this tutorial. Total Waste of Time! the musclenerd Tethering does not work on a PowerPC Mac. PDANet does work, and I recommend it. Very easy, MUCH easier than this tutorial for the musclenerd hack, and MUCH easier than enabling the tethering toggle with BenM's files, which do NOT actually enable tethering at all.. I dont know why people dont just use PDANet. It was free too.
bndmod - October 20, 2009 at 5:11pm
Hey, what happend if SHA1isn't correct? We must stop the procces, but it's any way to enable tethering?
Johnny2006 - October 20, 2009 at 12:20pm
anyway to make this work on windowssss
briane - October 21, 2009 at 10:58am
can anyone tell me who/what /where iphone tunnel and winscp Iobviously come under DUH
Metal Geek
Metal Geek - October 21, 2009 at 12:37pm
it's on iClarified post "how to SSH" I know u'll be lazy to read, so just jump to step 13...
D - October 20, 2009 at 10:16am
This patch for 3G/GS is available on cydia at the ifoneguide at the netherlands abbreviated source! *not sure if we can post links to cydia sources here, so decipher :)
Josh - October 20, 2009 at 9:10am
Has anyone heard if dev team is working on a 5.11.07 unlock? I have two paper weights sittin here so I was just wondering if there was any new news?
Mark - October 20, 2009 at 3:10pm
two?? you'd think people would learn their lesson after the first time, to not update their itunes or iphones without the greenlight from dev team!! =p
Josh - October 20, 2009 at 4:35pm
They are just two I recently bought to jailbreak, unlock and resell that had already been updated. I have two others that I use that are unlocked....... So yeah I am smart enough....
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