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How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Posted July 29, 2016 at 2:07pm by iClarified
These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone on iOS 9.2 - iOS 9.3.3 using Pangu and Cydia Impactor for Mac.

Step One
Make sure to backup your device using iCloud or iTunes and update to iOS 9.3.3 if possible.

Step Two
Download the latest Pangu jailbreak IPA from here and Cydia Impactor from here and save them to a folder on your Mac.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Step Three
Double click to open the Impactor dmg.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Step Four
Drag and drop the Impactor app onto the Applications folder shortcut.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Step Five
Launch Impactor from your Applications folder.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Click Open if asked to confirm.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Step Six
Connect your iPhone to your computer via USB and making sure to select Trust if prompted.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Drag and drop the NvwaStone IPA downloaded earlier into the Cydia Impactor app.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Step Seven
You will be asked to enter your Apple ID and password. This is only used to sign the IPA, letting it run on your device.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Step Eight
Cydia Impactor will now display a warning to developers that using the app will revoke and replace any existing Apple Developer certificate associated with your account, which may (or may not: I honestly don't know much about official Apple development work) have some complicated effect on your workflow if you are an Apple Developer.

Click OK
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Step Nine
Cydia Impactor will sign the IPA and install the new Pangu jailbreak app on your device.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Step Ten
Once the app has successfully downloaded to your device you must trust the developer profile created under your email address.

Tap Settings, then General, then Device Management.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Select your email from the Device Management menu
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Tap Trust (your email)
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Click the Trust button from the popup that appears
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Step Eleven
Return to the Home screen and launch the Pangu app.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

When asked to allow push notifications, click OK.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Then press the Start button. Make sure to leave the Use embedded certificate effective until April 2017 box checked. If you uncheck the box and you are not a developer, the signed IPA is only valid for seven days. If you are a developer signing the IPA with your own developer certification will allow it to run for one year.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Step Twelve
Manually lock your screen and then wait for 6 seconds. You will receive a push notification that says your device has been jailbroken successfully.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

Step Thirteen
Unlock your device, reentering the Pangu app. It is preparing the jailbreak environment and installing Cydia.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

When complete, your device will respring with Cydia on the Springboard!
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone on iOS 9.3.3 Using Pangu and Cydia Impactor (Mac)

This jailbreak requires that you re-execute the jailbreak after each reboot. Do not delete the Pangu app off your device. You will need to re-open it and tap the circle after every restart.

***A big thanks goes out to the Pangu Team and all the others who had a hand in creating this jailbreak.

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Comments (23)
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Edinam Amewode
Edinam Amewode - May 18, 2017 at 4:26pm
provision.cpp:168 i keep getting this error " please sign in with an app- specific password
vikas123321 - August 10, 2016 at 11:18am
provision.cpp:68 ios/addDevice Unable to add device 'VIKAS' because the team has already reached the maximum number of iphone devices.
ftzionTechWiz - September 14, 2016 at 12:35am
Use a different Apple ID, it worked for me. (:
Dawn - August 10, 2016 at 8:26am
Please help... I woke up to my iPhone 5s unjailbroken. I normally go on pangu and do the process again but for some reason today pangu isn't staying open and keeps crashing. I'm suspecting it's a 'trust' issue but in my settings, 'Device Management' has disappeared so I can't go on and click 'Trust'... Any ideas on how to solve please? Thank you
Late - August 9, 2016 at 7:18am
Can I use my Apple ID for this jailbreak forever by installing every week after April 2017? Any other limitations?
Ali alward
Ali alward - August 28, 2016 at 12:14pm
Ali alward
Ashley Carey
Ashley Carey - August 1, 2016 at 10:46pm
Finally got this working after the server was having maintenance downtime earlier today. Unfortunately this didn't fix my issue. The English app this installs is the same as the Chinese app, and both have the same problem for me: The respring the app initiates after you lock crashes my 6s into a reboot every single time, 100%. Also brings the battery down a whole 20% sometimes so by the time the kernel is rebooted, the device's heat levels are phenomenal. Not sure what's going on. It used to be a sometimes thing, now it's an unescapable every time thing. I have friends who had to retry 25 times-- I've been trying repeatedly all weekend, an embarrassing number of times. Then suddenly today, all of my phone's App Store apps were gone when it booted back up, and don't seem like they'll be returning. This is a big issue, would love to know if anyone else is having it.
Atomic Adam
Atomic Adam - August 5, 2016 at 4:05pm
If you're restoring your phone each time, you're carrying over all your bs jailbroken app settings that will mess up your newer iOS operating system settings. Dont restore your phone with your computer and only let iCloud pull down your data, but even that will have your old jailbreak settings. Entirely start from scratch only letting icloud sync your contacts then wipe all the rest of icloud and start over from scratch. then all should work perfect.
ecorrales - July 31, 2016 at 6:34pm
Someone have any idea how long for iPhone 4s... tnks
ecorrales - July 31, 2016 at 6:33pm
don't forget to specify this not for Iphone 4s
e1allen2 - July 30, 2016 at 5:49pm
Tried this on my mac using OS El Capitan. Dragged the NvwaStone to Cydia Impactor, entered my developer id and p/w. The results were Error provision.cpp:62 _assert(response.head["content-type"] == "text/x-xml-plist") Tried rebooting everything, same results. Any assistance is appreciated
MOHAMED ALI - July 30, 2016 at 8:03pm
The same issue!!!
Ayman Amer
Ayman Amer - July 30, 2016 at 5:45pm
impactor error provision.cpp:62 _assert(response.head["content-type"] == "text/x-xml-plist") please help
Sherri - July 30, 2016 at 2:01pm
When I press the start button on the Pangu app and then lock the screen, it goes black and restrings, but no cydia app appears and no jailbreak has taken place. Any thoughts?
Sherri - July 30, 2016 at 2:09pm
Never mind, I re-did every step again and it worked.
Andy1982 - July 30, 2016 at 6:47am
I did everything as described, but when I laugh CYDIA it crashes. Cannot load cydia after the jailbream
Sherri - July 30, 2016 at 11:02pm
I'm having the exact same issue. Cydia starts to open and closes immediately.
mspatts - July 29, 2016 at 10:02pm
So what happens after 7 days?
SanDiegoHB - July 29, 2016 at 6:47pm
FWIW, my Apple ID is connected with a developer account, and it asked me for an app-specific password to be used which I created in my account, and then after that it did not require me to trust the certificate
Gus Cucamunga
Gus Cucamunga - July 29, 2016 at 6:26pm
Hi there! Can I use a free apple developer account, or do I have to get the $99 version? Thanks
Sam .
Sam . - July 29, 2016 at 7:22pm
You don't need a developer account
loren - July 29, 2016 at 3:29pm
Brilliant.. Flawless first try iphone 6s+
Sayedahmed - July 29, 2016 at 2:18pm
How to solve .. "A Network required to verify your iphone developer apps"?
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