Apple has confirmed that many of its services of down for 'some users'.
Currently, the list of services affected includes: App Store, Apple Music, Apple TV, iBooks Store, iTunes in the Cloud, iTunes Match, iTunes Store, iTunes U, Mac App Store, OS X Software Update, Radio, and Volume Purchase Program.
According to Apple the issues began around 9:45 EST this morning.
All Store Services - Some users are affected Users are experiencing a problem with the services listed above. We are investigating and will update the status as more information becomes available.
Let us know if you've been having trouble in the comments and please follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS for updates.
I don't know if my problem with Itunes has anything to do with the problems you are having, but I'm so fed up with iTunes. Trying to organize my music and putting songs into my playlist has been a nightmare. Also I found so much music in the wrong folders and playlists I had set up in my playlists. It has been more than frustrating trying to figure out how to get itunes to work. When I am in my music list I cannot see my playlist side bar, so that makes it almost impossible to slide a piece from music into my playlist. I have and had spent so much time and things are just not working. It's hard to explain what goes wrong, but I know that this is not the way this app should work. One more thing, I love icons but lately they are in places where a list should be. Itunes is one of these apps where I want to see a list and I get a bunch of icons. It is just very, very confusing how this works... why I get icons and how I get back to a list. Just not clear cut and finding instructions is another waste of time.
I tried playing some music on my Apple TV today via iTunes Match with no success, It loads my playlists but when I try to play the music I get an error: "no content found", iTunes Match works fine in my iPhone tough.