March 6, 2025
BitTorrent Bleep Private Messaging App Released for iOS

BitTorrent Bleep Private Messaging App Released for iOS

Posted May 13, 2015 at 4:02pm by iClarified
BitTorrent has announced the release of its Bleep private messaging app for iOS.

Bleep is a fun and easy instant messaging app that is completely private. No social networks. With Bleep, you can chat via text, make free voice calls, or whisper. What do we mean by whisper? Chat history can be convenient, but some conversations should never be saved. Sending a whisper to a friend means your messages disappear after they are read. Whisper it, read it, and move on.

• Sign-up with email, mobile number or just go incognito
• Send and receive online and offline text and images
• Make and receive voice-calls over cellular data or WiFi to other Bleep users
• Import your address-book contacts
• Invite friends over email, SMS or share your public key
• Messages are sent fully encrypted and stored locally
• Easily delete your message history

Be Bold, with a Whisper.
Brand new for this release, is the ability to send whisper messages with Bleep. For parts of a conversation that you’d like to keep temporary, tapping “Go to Whisper” on your phone sends messages and pictures that disappear from devices after they’ve been viewed (25 seconds); holding shift on PC and Ctrl on Mac while hitting send does this on your desktop. You can switch back and forth between normal and whisper messages seamlessly, so you don’t lose the flow of your conversation.

Screenshot, or Not?
Whisper messages have additional protection for screenshots. If a friend manages to capture the screen, they won’t be able to capture who said what, since nicknames are blocked out. And if you forget who you’re whispering with, you tap the “eye” to display the nickname, but the conversation gets blurred. They can capture the conversation or the sender, but not both at the same time.

You can download BitTorrent Bleep from the App Store for free.

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BitTorrent Bleep Private Messaging App Released for iOSBitTorrent Bleep Private Messaging App Released for iOSBitTorrent Bleep Private Messaging App Released for iOS

BitTorrent Bleep Private Messaging App Released for iOS

BitTorrent Bleep Private Messaging App Released for iOS
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