March 2, 2025
Angry Birds Seasons is Apple's Free App of the Week

Angry Birds Seasons is Apple's Free App of the Week

Posted February 5, 2015 at 11:34pm by iClarified
Apple has made Angry Birds Seasons its free App of the Week.

Join the Angry Birds as they celebrate unique seasonal events from around the world! Enjoy the addictive physics-based gameplay you love, but with an exciting twist! For the latest update, it’s time to hit the court for the 2015 NBA All-Star Game!

Slam through an all-new set of All-Star themed levels in the NBA Ham Dunk episode!
- 15 new NBA All-Star levels + 1 new golden egg level!
- Free throw! Use one free Shockwave per level in new All-Star levels.
- Check out kick-#%&* gaming videos on Ruffle TV!
- More Pig Days – crazy new levels every week!

- 19 THEMED EPISODES (plus cool bonus stuff)!
- 550+ LEVELS of pig-popping action!
- UNIQUE POWER-UPS that give you the edge in tricky levels!
- PIG DAYS! Super special one-off levels that pay tribute to global events and holidays!

You can download Angry Birds Seasons from the App Store free for a limited time.

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Angry Birds Seasons is Apple's Free App of the Week

Angry Birds Seasons is Apple's Free App of the Week

Angry Birds Seasons is Apple's Free App of the Week
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Osorio11 - February 6, 2015 at 12:03am
It is silly silly but here I have finally something nice to say about Samsung and my provider T-Mobile: I have one nice thing to say about Samsung in combination with my provider. I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 mini as backup device, but in their equivalent of the AppStore, the PlayStore you can buy stuff just by charging it to your phone bill, which makes me totally uninterested in black market stuff. Apple seems to think everybody can remember those questions ( I had the same experience as you had once) one question I wasn't sure if I had chosen the band or the vocalist and no deal. I was so pissed that now I never pay for apps anymore. Just use Appcake. Why not at least the option to pay your apps with PayPall? If it's good enough for all the nice people in Cydia, then why not give a customer that service option?
gamerscul9870 - February 5, 2015 at 11:39pm
Yes, can finally buy this app without dealing with being locked out of my account. Long story short, I couldn't remember the answer to my security questions thus not buying anything on my iTunes account.
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