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Apple Considering iPhone 6s Mini with 4-Inch Display?

Apple Considering iPhone 6s Mini with 4-Inch Display?

Posted December 23, 2014 at 9:42pm by iClarified
While Apple moved away from the 4-inch iPhone this year, analyst Timothy Arcuri of Cowen and Company claims Apple has been working on a new 4-inch "iPhone 6s Mini" that could debut in 2015.

According to Arcuri, Apple could debut iPhones with three different screen sizes in 2015 with the iPhone 6s Mini joining the current 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch models. The new 4-inch device would be similar to the iPhone 5s, but feature an updated design with curved screen edges -- similar to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

The new 4-inch phone could serve as a replacement for the iPhone 5c that Apple currently sells; however, Arcuri believes the newer model will include "purpose-built low cost components" from Qualcomm to keep the price down.

According to the analyst, Apple is also on track to launch a larger 12.9-inch iPad model this spring. While the iPad has seen a decline in sales, a newer 12.9-inch model could change things. Arcuri expects Apple to initially move 15 to 20 million units of this larger iPad.

Arcuri's track record on future Apple products is mixed, so we aren't sure what to expect. What do you think of Apple launching a new iPhone 6s Mini with a 4-inch display?

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Apple Considering iPhone 6s Mini with 4-Inch Display?

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Comments (23)
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TCR - December 27, 2014 at 6:11pm
But will it bend?
gamerscul9870 - December 27, 2014 at 6:19pm
Yea, because it's optional.
Tamborrell - December 26, 2014 at 7:15pm
I think clients are getting tired of a poor iOS update, full of errors and lack of experience innovation AND most of all Apple playing with our wallet throwing a new phone/iPad every 6 months instead of improving what they already have, because all the update they do to are based on the screen size and thinness. I'm this close to switch to Samsung they look like their goal is the costumes expirience, just like Steve use to.
gamerscul9870 - December 26, 2014 at 7:44pm
Apple never fucks around with work. They always earned a jd power for every products they made since 2007. Steve's work lies in Tim's veins. Samsung is the one who nowadays wish they made things ahead of Apple but no matter what they come up with, Samsung always copies whatever others done in order to catch up. The only good they ever did was make a big screen phone, but that's all they are focused on which explains more of the same exact models. Updates are becoming better and I have not experienced a single problem with any update but hey, it depends on how well any model is supporting, but still.
tng - January 1, 2015 at 9:59pm
Dude, if you're complaining about IPhone 4 not making the cut, get over it? It's over 5 years old..the problem is that the phone can last long when taking cared of, try saying that with any Galaxy Brand..your lucky if it's good for 6 months!
Please do so...
Please do so... - December 25, 2014 at 11:48pm
I would love to see the iPhone 6s with a 4" screen. I have an iPhone 5 now and wont upgrade to the iPhone 6 because of the size. I dont know if I ever will buy a phone bigger than 4". The key problem is the specs. I wont buy the phone if Apple plans to do a cheap 4" iPhone with old hardware. In my world Apple should have a lineup of three models with same specs but different screen sizes. This way the customer would have a real choice.
gamerscul9870 - December 26, 2014 at 1:16am
But old hardware means less speed and more buggy control. It's going to be cheap after 2 years of when any model was originally released anyway. Looking back at ipad 2, sure it has less of what today's ipad is nowadays but price is cheaper but it also once was what the current one is being sold for, so no matter the newer or older hardware anything comes with, it will always get cheaper year after year. I myself would upgrade once it immediately comes out, but hey if I wanted bigger screen but wouldn't use the new hardware, I just ignore what comes in the new iPhone if that's what bigger screen lovers only wanted for a phone and don't care about hardware for example, but to me, I want lag free specs with the same size, no matter how much more is going in the newer models of iPhones.
JoshvanHulst - December 25, 2014 at 7:52pm
I definitely think I will buy the 6S Mini 4' inch. It definitely is the size I like. I think smaller is cooler than going bigger.
downer - December 25, 2014 at 2:05am
I'd never go back to the 4" screen iPhone. I love my 6 Plus and my spouse liked it so much I bought one for her as well. The 4" phone would be a marketing mistake, so I can't believe Apple would usher it in. Besides, the iPhone 5c,s are still for sale by Apple, so what sense does it make to bring out another 4" phone. I also can't see any need for the iPad 12" unless, as many others have mentioned, it could run Mac OSX. Even then it would be a poor substitute for a 13" MacBook Pro Retina. Actually, I don't use my iPad very much any more since I have the 6 plus. I think the iPad days are numbered. It's just not needed, especially when you have large screen iPhone.
gamerscul9870 - December 25, 2014 at 4:07am
marketing mistake? When people don't upgrade to the newer phones they don't upgrade to the latest technology all because of the bigger screen, and that's exactly why it's right for them to do it, more sales and more profit. If they made it I would upgrade, otherwise, it's just staying old school. For cheaper (and older) technology and phone price, that's what 5c is, otherwise, metal material like phones will have almost the latest technology.
yobo - December 25, 2014 at 1:29pm
I'd get 4" iphones anytime... Since it is gonna be bend proof...
gamerscul9870 - December 25, 2014 at 2:10pm
iPhones are bend proof... if taken care of correctly.
lepaka - December 24, 2014 at 7:33am
It would save my day. I will not give up my 5s to a bigger phone. Simple I don't need bigger, when comes the day to change this magnificent 5s, will not be for a brick on the pocket
John - December 24, 2014 at 7:54pm
I totally agree I would upgrade straight away if they brought back the 4inch display :D
skylander - December 24, 2014 at 7:24am
What's the point of going back to 4 inch? I know some user still prefer a small screen. But I think in 2015 standing, 4" will be too small. I think it should be at least 4.3-4.5". I now look at my 4" iPhone 5. It's so small now.
gamerscul9870 - December 24, 2014 at 2:22pm
The point is so we can have the latest technology with the small screen many (including I) enjoy! I would definitely upgrade like this.
skylander - December 24, 2014 at 7:10pm
If Apple create one, that could be target to the countries who still have iPhone 4S. I hope the next version have a thinner screen bezels border as that would fit a bigger screen with same size of phone. The good example is LG G3. It has 5.5" screen as iPhone 6+. But the phone is smaller and easier to handle it.
gamerscul9870 - December 24, 2014 at 2:24am
Please make it so! I feel that 4" is enough when it comes to small and big like the full sized ipad, but comparing this to laptop, I need it as big as I can that looks like it has the space to take advantage of work and organization while it doesn't cover too much of my lap, in other words 15" MacBook Pro feels perfect.
psychsatani - December 23, 2014 at 10:31pm
I own a macbook air 11.6inch and iPad mini. These two devices are good enough to do most of my smart work. Buying an iPhone doesn't make sense to me unless I can use it entirely with one hand because my iPad mini is great with 2 hands. So yes, a most updated iPhone in 4inch size with a fair price is all I ask, because I won't go to the nosy, chaotic and unreliable google-android ecosystem even if it means a lot of saving.
zetaprime - December 23, 2014 at 10:27pm
They're wasting their time on a mini iphone, and a larger iPad would also be a waste of time unless it can run OS X.
stevenlacross - December 23, 2014 at 10:00pm
My gf went from a 4s to the 6 plus, and after she got used to it, she says my 5s screen is too small for her now, I think people don't know what they want and will get used to the bigger screens just fine. Now the only thing would be to make sure all these next year models have the same processors and ram in them, Apple can't do the way they did the iPad mini
Yourface - December 24, 2014 at 5:13am
It's look like your girl need more than 6 inch plus!!! Size does matter so you can't take care of her with your little thing !! Give your GF to me I make her happy !!!
Ab08 - December 23, 2014 at 9:55pm
I love my i6, but I miss 6 everyday. It felt so minuscule in use for a week - when I "downgraded". Can't imagine using 4" screen ever again ...... In the other news - I love my iAir, and can't imagine a need for 12.9" tabletop))
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