These are instructions on how to join/combine avi video files using QuickTime for Mac OS X. If QuickTime can't read your avi file then you may need to install the Perian component from here.
Step One Double click one of the video files that you would like to join to open it in QuickTime.
Step Two Move the scrubber to the position in the clip where the other video will be inserted.
Step Three Drag another clip into the QuickTime window to insert it before the scrubber.
Step Four Select Save As from the File menu
Step Five Enter a name for your the combined video file then click the Save button.
Step Six QuickTime will now save the joined video.
Step Seven After a couple minutes the avi video files will be joined and ready for playback.
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Or you can use this script I wrote:
set -x
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo =e "\nUsage: `basename $0` Base_Movie_Name_To_Be_Joined"
exit 1
cat $1* > _$1_.avi
mencoder -forceidx -oac copy -ovc copy _$1_.avi -o $1.avi
rm _$1_.avi
So you run it like: ./ Video which will combine Video* into 1 avi file and re-encodes it preserving it in divx format.
Screw this method. I don't want it to be a .mov file. I have used avi joiner in the passed, but it's screwy, so I just convert and join them together in visualhub, or join them together in SimpleMovieX.