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Alien Blue Reddit Client App Gets Redesigned Inbox/Messages, Hold to Preview, iOS 8 Support

Alien Blue Reddit Client App Gets Redesigned Inbox/Messages, Hold to Preview, iOS 8 Support

Posted September 19, 2014 at 11:56pm by iClarified
The Alien Blue Reddit client app has been updated with a redesigned inbox/messages screen, hold to preview, iOS 8 support, and more.

Alien Blue is a feature packed client for browsing Reddit. It has been developed from the ground-up for an intuitive touch-screen experience.

* Inline image viewing in comments
* Ability to search Reddit's archive of posts
* Add / Create Posts (and Self Threads) (PRO)
* Multiple / Novelty Account Support
* One-Tap Imgur Integration when posting (and when commenting)
* One-Tap Quoting
* Support for Casual Subreddits
* Integrated "Readability" from Arc90 for in-built browser
* One-Tap to "View All Images" in comments (PRO)
* Large buttons for embedded links
* Save State (when reading posts/comments) on Exit
* Automatic notification of new messages from your Reddit inbox while you browse.
* Post, and *edit* your comments
* Interface optimised and tested for easy single handed browsing.
* Fullscreen mode
* Ability to exclude posts based on keywords (PRO)
* Easily identify which comments are made from the Post creator. This is especially developed for AMA and AskReddit style threads.
* Collapsable comments
* (PRO) Tilt Scroll
* (PRO) "Hide All" feature. Get fresh results every time. (syncs automatically with your hidden posts on the Reddit server).
* Night mode option for very low backlight and reduced contrast.

PRO Features
* Canvas View and Image Galleries
* Comment Link previews (retina device required)
* Retina Thumbnails (retina device required)
* Create Posts / Self Threads
* Exclude Posts by Keywords
* One-Tap Imgur Integration
* One-Tap Quoting
* Multiple / Novelty Account support
* "Hide All" displayed posts (syncs automatically with your Reddit account)
* Subscribe & Unsubscribe to Reddits via Alien Blue
* Tilt Scroll

What's New In This Version:
- iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus Support
- iOS 8 Compatibility
- Per-screen customisable Action Menu
- Hold to preview images, albums, gifs and videos
- Complete redesign of Inbox/Messages screen
- Gfycat integration for instantly visible GIFs

Action Menu:
- Fully customisable for power users
- Avoid accidental (committal) interactions
- Support for both left & right handed users
- Slideable fast-select gesture to reduce taps and rely on muscle memory
- Monitor changes for watched posts
- Monitor changes in karma
- Monitor changes of latest submitted post
- Monitor changes for last submitted comment

- Additional HTTPS/SSL coverage for reddit requests
- Automatic compacting of UI for maximum reading area
- Added support for link flair (activate via Settings)
- Added starting time-marker support for YouTube links
- Revised Imgur Management screens
- Improved support for tables
- Improved performance when scrolling past collapsed comments
- Added [removed:] prefix for striked-out text
- Added comment [M] indicator for moderators
- Added comment [A] indicator for administrators
- Long self-text posts can be collapsed with left-to-right gesture
- 64-bit support : Faster thread loading/rendering
- 64-bit support : Faster GIF decoding
- Improved edge-dragging behavior for improved system consistency
- Minor improvements to canvas UI
- Revisions to post creation screen
- Orangered notification in fullscreen
- Design revisions to User Details screen
- Reduced occurrences of "Image is too large" conditions
- Added link to "Submission Rules" on create posts screen
- Added warnings for submissions that may break subreddit rules
- Added support for Imgflip

- Critical: UI/Navigation elements not functioning on iOS 8
- Fixed: Imgur captions displayed incorrectly for album photos
- Fixed: Some imgur captions missing
- Fixed: Crash when tapping Back during a navigation animation
- Fixed: Crash when posts link to iTunes soundtracks
- Fixed: Gfycat links stopping audio playback
- Fixed: Reddits screen occassionally skips up slightly when navigating back
- Fixed: Moderation templates missing "Add" icon
- Fixed: Deleting a group with subreddits causes crash
- Fixed: "Pull to Load More" label overlapping "More" button
- Fixed: "Save Image" option not appearing across non-imgur sites
- Fixed: Some YouTube links starting with https:// are missing thumbnails
- Fixed: /u/ links with hyphens don't work

You can download Alien Blue Reddit Client from the App Store for free.

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Alien Blue Reddit Client App Gets Redesigned Inbox/Messages, Hold to Preview, iOS 8 SupportAlien Blue Reddit Client App Gets Redesigned Inbox/Messages, Hold to Preview, iOS 8 SupportAlien Blue Reddit Client App Gets Redesigned Inbox/Messages, Hold to Preview, iOS 8 Support

Alien Blue Reddit Client App Gets Redesigned Inbox/Messages, Hold to Preview, iOS 8 SupportAlien Blue Reddit Client App Gets Redesigned Inbox/Messages, Hold to Preview, iOS 8 Support
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