GeoHot, chronic, posixninja, and pod2g have been able to verify that the 24kpwn exploit will work to jailbreak the iPhone 3GS.
This is great news for all of you. Basically, this means if someone makes a tethered jailbreak, it easily becomes untethered, because the boot chain is broken. Expect big things soon
The iPhone Dev-Team has also verified this!
About 5 hours ago, we were able to verify that the 24Kpwn exploit that the hybrid team used on the iPod Touch 2G is still present in the bootrom of the iPhone 3GS. That means we can apply the same sort of technique used by our current redsn0w tool to jailbreak and unlock the iPhone 3GS.
This is great news! It seems this bootrom was cut in about the August 2008 timeframe, so the unfortunate early reveal of 24Kpwn earlier this year didn’t affect the iPhone 3GS.
We should see the jailbreak tools updated for the iPhone 3GS very soon!
God a jailbreak would be nice i can't stand this thing without it. on another thought, if i copied all my files from my 3g using diskaid (ssh) to a folder is there just a way for me to install them on my new 3gs and have them work. Or is there some code in the new phone that won't allow me to do that.
I was thinking if i just put them there manually instead of going through itunes that the phone wouldn't know the difference or where they came from. In particular irealquicksms, and iblacklist? but other 3rd party apps as well.
Hopefully they put this jailbreak in software soon I had to unlock my 3gs the hard way. Ohh and by the way ultrasnow does work with the 3gs. Coding right now is the onlyway to jailbreak 3gs for now but once u get it and place Cydia in then the ultrasnow works. I wish I had time to put in software but I work to much. Goodluck geohot and dev team! You guys are the best for doing it for free.