Apple will provide an iPhone Battery Life Logging profile to customers complaining of issues with battery life, according to a HardMac report. When installed this profile will monitor all usage of the iPhone over a period time.
The log file generated will help support representatives determine what is causing the battery drain. Whether its heavy usage of a specific app or whether its really a failing battery.
Here's what the log file looks like:
Sun Jun 21 22:29:36 2009: [Assertion released]; process=aosnotifyd; pid=31; NoIdleSleepAssertion=255; held_for=00:00:12;
Sun Jun 21 22:29:38 2009 Frontmost Application Changed: (96)
Sun Jun 21 22:29:53 2009: Battery level = 92 [4081] (low = no, critical = no, charging = no) Call active: no
Current drain: -169 mA
Fully charged: no
Power Assertions:
SpringBoard (pid 24): NoIdleSleepAssertion == 255 Held for 00:20:12
Usage: 00:00:00 Standby: 00:00:00
Frontmost Application Identifier: (96)
Next Scheduled Power Event:
Scheduled Wake or Power On
2009-06-21 22:58:15 +0200
WiFi: On (associated to "Fraaa")
Bluetooth: OFF Nike: OFF BTAirplaneMode: OFF Discoverable: OFF Connected: NO
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The log file generated will help support representatives determine what is causing the battery drain. Whether its heavy usage of a specific app or whether its really a failing battery.
Here's what the log file looks like:
Sun Jun 21 22:29:36 2009: [Assertion released]; process=aosnotifyd; pid=31; NoIdleSleepAssertion=255; held_for=00:00:12;
Sun Jun 21 22:29:38 2009 Frontmost Application Changed: (96)
Sun Jun 21 22:29:53 2009: Battery level = 92 [4081] (low = no, critical = no, charging = no) Call active: no
Current drain: -169 mA
Fully charged: no
Power Assertions:
SpringBoard (pid 24): NoIdleSleepAssertion == 255 Held for 00:20:12
Usage: 00:00:00 Standby: 00:00:00
Frontmost Application Identifier: (96)
Next Scheduled Power Event:
Scheduled Wake or Power On
2009-06-21 22:58:15 +0200
WiFi: On (associated to "Fraaa")
Bluetooth: OFF Nike: OFF BTAirplaneMode: OFF Discoverable: OFF Connected: NO
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