The Scribd app featuring access to over 300,000 books has been updated with a new look and more functionality.
Use the Scribd app for unlimited access to over 300,000 books for just $8.99 / month. Included with a subscription are books from over 900 publishers, including NYT bestsellers, literary classics, groundbreaking non-fiction, and reader favorites in every genre. We also have the world’s largest digital document collection, with millions of user-uploaded written works.
Features: • Instant access to 300,000+ books from 900+ publishers in every genre • Discover new favorites with our editorial collections and personalized recommendations • Millions of user-contributed documents and written works • No limits: read as much as you want - service is available worldwide • Works across your iPhone, iPad, Android, or browser - books are synced automatically • Store books on device for offline reading
What's New In This Version: This update brings a fresh, new look and more functionality to your book discovery experience.
• A redesigned book description page that includes reader reviews and related books • Horizontal browsing from book to book in collections • Streamlined management of your Library -- tap the new “+” sign on books to save them to your device, add them to your library, or add them to a collection. • A brand new color palette and all-new fonts throughout the app
You can download Scribd from the App Store for free.