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What's New in iOS 8: Interactive Notifications, Contact Shortcuts

What's New in iOS 8: Interactive Notifications, Contact Shortcuts

Posted June 4, 2014 at 3:18pm by iClarified
In iOS 8, Apple has finally improved notifications allowing you to take action on texts, email, invitations, reminders, and more -- right from the notification banner.

When you receive a notification banner, pulling down on the handle will reveal added functionality. This functionality will vary based on the application sending the notification.

Here's a few examples:

A Messages notification gives you the ability to Quick Reply and a Calendar invitation can be accepted or declined.
What's New in iOS 8: Interactive Notifications, Contact Shortcuts

A Mail notification lets you quickly trash or mark the email as read and when receiving a Reminders notification you can mark the reminder as completed or snooze it.
What's New in iOS 8: Interactive Notifications, Contact Shortcuts

Apple says that third party applications will also be send notifications with customized actions. For example, a Facebook notification might let you Like or comment on a post.
What's New in iOS 8: Interactive Notifications, Contact Shortcuts

Notably, these action buttons are also present on the lockscreen. You need to swipe a notification to reveal the action buttons.
What's New in iOS 8: Interactive Notifications, Contact Shortcuts

Contact Shortcuts
In iOS 8, Apple has added contact shortcuts to the multitasking interface. Double press the Home button to bring up the interface. You now notice a list of circular contact icons along top, above the row recently opened apps.

Apple shows you the contacts you've most recently talked to. If you swipe to the right, you'll also see your favorite contacts.

Tapping a contact slides the contact image to left and brings up small icon shortcuts to the right offering the ability to quickly call, message, FaceTime video call, and FaceTime audio call.
What's New in iOS 8: Interactive Notifications, Contact Shortcuts
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Comments (5)
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tmel4198 - September 18, 2014 at 1:16am
The iphone 4 can barely run iOS 7.1.2 well at all. What the hell are you smoking. They want people to upgrade. The iPhone 4 in my mind is considered ancient now
gamerscul9870 - June 5, 2014 at 10:56am
Because if it had all these features, the iOS for 16gb iPhone would make it 8gb like android-Spamdroid.
Alex - June 4, 2014 at 5:45pm
Pressing camera button in iMessage shows the last 8 or so pics from the camera roll and can be selected immediately rather than going into camera roll.
meee - June 4, 2014 at 4:24pm
@mark did you even watch wwdc ? did you watch the last part where they made so many extension available to devs? if you don't get what that will bring to table that you shouldn't really say anything
AppleGuy299 - June 4, 2014 at 3:21pm
I hope we can turn Contact Shortcuts off
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