What's New in iOS 8: QuickType, Third-Party Keyboards
Posted June 4, 2014 at 6:02am by iClarified
Apple has introduced a new feature in iOS 8 called QuickType that aims to predict the words or phrases that you will probably type next.
QuickType uses your past conversations and writing style for its suggestions. It takes into account a more casual typing style you might use in Messages and a more formal language you'll likely use in Mail. It even adjusts based on the person you are talking to.
For example, when starting a new conversation in Messages, QuickType will display the words you might start a new sentence with. ie "The", "I", or "I'm". Tap "I'm" and you will get a word commonly used next. ie. "so", "not", or "at". Tap "at" and you'll be presented with additional words that commonly follow, such as "work", "the", "least".
Notice how the word suggestions are tailored to the recipient and the topic of the conversation. If someone asks you a question, iOS 8 automatically recognizes this and offers you the ability to answer "Yes" or "No".
QuickType will initially offer predictive text in 14 countries. Those include: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Third-Party Keyboards: Another major improvement is support for third-party keyboards. Apple is opening up the keyboard to developers meaning that you will soon be able to choose your favorite input method or layout systemwide.
The keyboards run inside a restricted sandbox by default with no network access. If that keyboards wants access to the network it can ask you to grant that access. iOS 8 will warn you that full access allows the developer to transmit anything you type, including things you have previously typed with the keyboard.
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This update is ios 8 because first off 7.5 means just improvements, not adding extra, that's exactly what apple featured for us, don't care, then don't gimmick about it, like the revies say, ios continues to be popular and users grow because new mind blowing stuff always goes to it, your point it more than invalid than it sounds, where did the easy way of understanding this go from you? Were you even awake when seeing this? BTW if it were 7.5, ios 7.1.1 would add up to 7.1.9 then 7.2.1 and so forth but what sense does it make like that anyway.
I know I also sound like a fanboy but I'm not. I give credit where it belongs. I think that Family Share is awesome and it was a great idea! But thus whole innovative keyboard stuff is all BS!
thank you for your answer, i am proud to know that not all the people thinks the same way, the blue will continue to have chance to get over the red:) do you know how long time a company needs from the 1st scretch on the table until they get a new produt on the store? just to get an idea, a very known product by the name Coca-Cola, when you buy a bottle on the shelf from your nearby groceries strore today, this same bottle started to be produced 14 month ago and it is a product running in serial. do you imagine how long before Apple is thinking and renovationg the Mac Pro as they kick out the sales at begining this year. put that date between 3 to 4 years back then you know it. with software this new iOS 7 and Mavericks minimum 2 years back of its launch date was kicked out, the "not reach targets" from those versions will be completed in the new version of this year iOS8 and Yosemite, to avoid errors and problems as they had on the first Maps release Apple will complete the iOS with OSX integration in 2 steps. everthing that comes out still this year was initiated by Steve and his team still. the problem i point out comes with a lack of new features, features that can makes us desire to buy new hardware because it deserves our money. all my Macs inventory (iPad, Macbooks, Mac Mini, Airports, iPod ...) is dated from 2011, except iPhones are newer, i dont get entusiastic to replace them, simply there is no reason to.
Hello? Finally! This is exactly what SwiftKey is on Android. U barely have to type words. The prediction is THAT good. But to present it like some kinda innovative thing is ridiculous. Android has been supporting third party keyboards since the beginning. That's why it has awesome keyboards like Swype and SwiftKey, as well as many more.
I still can't believe that people stand by a phone so much to talk about how great it is, but in order for it to be such a great phone you have to hack it. Just switch to android and save yourself some time in your life.
I remember using this on my old iPhone 4 a few years ago and got tired of using it on my 4s, just never really cared enough about it, but this has been round since iOS 3 (just sayin). But this will be cool to try out on stock ios but altkeyboard2 will do for now.