March 16, 2025
Jury Verdict: Samsung Owes Apple $290 Million in Additional Damages

Jury Verdict: Samsung Owes Apple $290 Million in Additional Damages

Posted November 21, 2013 at 8:51pm by iClarified
A federal jury has ruled that Samsung owes Apple $290 million in damages for infringing on its patents, reports AllThingsD.

The award concludes a partial retrial of last year’s landmark case between the electronics giants. A jury in that case ruled in Apple’s favor and awarded $1 billion in damages. However, Judge Lucy Koh ruled that more than $400 million of that award was improperly calculated, necessitating the current retrial. Apple had argued it was due a further $379 million, while Samsung maintained it should only owe $52 million for the portion of damages being reconsidered. Barring a successful appeal, Samsung also owes roughly $600 million in damages from the original verdict as well.

The jury was made up of six women and two men. They took nearly three days before reaching a verdict. Judge Koh is giving lawyers for each side half an hour to look over the jury's calculations.

The damages trial made headlines yesterday after Samsung lawyers requested a mistrial on the grounds that Apple's lawyer, Harold McElhinny, made a prejudiced remark in his statement to the jury. That request was denied.

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Jury Verdict: Samsung Owes Apple $290 Million in Additional Damages
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Comments (13)
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Lucian - November 22, 2013 at 9:06pm
I understand where youare coming from. But i disagree with your arguments. First we do not know which company holds the copyright. Green call button, rounded corner design, multi touch screen etc etc. all of things Apple tends to have coptyright, were already made by other companies like Samsung and LG. even look at LG Prada. Looks exaxtly same as iPhone with all the functionality and yet it came out ahead of iPhones too. Just because Apple outsold a product, they dont receive any right to hold a copyright.
Lucian - November 22, 2013 at 2:02am
Sorry kids. I dont support either Apple nor Samsung. I mean I like both companies' products but I dont go all nerd trying to defend either ones. Because Im realistic and criticize Apple's action on lawsuit cases doesnt make me into samsung fan or some sort. Make some intellect comments please.
Anthony - November 22, 2013 at 12:31pm
If you don't support Apple or Samsung...... Then WTF are you doing on this site? #TrollMuch?
Lucian - November 22, 2013 at 11:05pm
And yet you haven't say a single word that is relevant to neither topic or my comments. Nice comeback kid
blah - November 22, 2013 at 1:40am
Hey samsh!t fans, don't hate, just accept your fate to support a copycat and not even a good one.
Santa Claus
Santa Claus - November 21, 2013 at 11:03pm
Say no apple
Lucian - November 21, 2013 at 10:20pm
And just remember. Only Court in United States agreed with Apple's law suit. Banning other company's smartphone, infringement copyright of rounded corner design, and other stupid things, only worked in US. Other countries ordered Apple to stop trolling.
Mike Power
Mike Power - November 21, 2013 at 11:17pm
Wow, so that means that courts in the US are bought out. What a shame. And its true what your saying apple can only get a way with it in US not here in Europe or the rest of the world. Apple is not one of my list.
Anthony - November 22, 2013 at 12:36pm
It's funny how Apple isn't on your "list" but yet you are here... With the others... LMAO! Actually, let me ask the others - Who gives a rats ass if Apple isn't on this persons "list"? I'm sure not too many.. #WINNING in the US is 10 times better than in the struggling Euro, sad but true.
Mike Power
Mike Power - November 21, 2013 at 10:19pm
ios 7 it's all cydia, samsung and windows and a swiss watch company. Apple is the crookedest and envious company in the world, that's the price Steve Jobs had to pay to Satan for it's Glory, His Life. That is why he is Burning in Hell.
Fukran John
Fukran John - November 21, 2013 at 9:26pm
Now we all know how apple became one of the richest company in the world. These all rich companies mostly steal others ideas and then sue them for the same.
Great - November 22, 2013 at 2:38am
You got it mixed up. Samsung is the company that steals ideas.
Anthony - November 22, 2013 at 12:39pm
*** This is such an educated statement*** Because we all know that the Galaxy came out before the first iPhone right? Oh, no , wait... #StupidIsAsStupidSays lmao!!!
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