iOS 7 is Behind Schedule, New iPad to Be Unveiled This Month?
Posted April 3, 2013 at 2:44am by iClarified
Apple is reportedly behind schedule with iOS 7 and has apparently pulled developers from OS X 10.9 to help get the mobile operating system ready, according to Daring Fireball's John Gruber.
In a decision thread on Branch, several journalists shared whispers they have been hearing about Apple's plans.
Gruber notes that the revamp to iOS is significant enough that "iOS engineers with carry privileges all have some sort of polarizing filter on their iPhone displays, such that it greatly decreases viewing angles, thus making it difficult for observers to see the apparently rather significant system-wide UI overhaul."
Rene Ritchie of iMore adds, "Ive's work is apparently making many people really happy, but will also apparently make rich-texture-loving designers sad."
Additionally, Ritchies says that he's "heard from several sources that there was/is an event planned for April, new 9.7 inch iPad if it's ready. Also still hearing iPhone 5S for August (though a lot of other people are saying July, so maybe it's more of a window than a date for now)."
The thought is that iOS 7 could be released alongside the iPhone 5S in order to offset its minor hardware changes. MG Siegler says, "Since we're talking whispers, the one thing I've heard multiple times now is about some sort of biometric scanner on the new iPhone. Perhaps not surprising given the AuthenTec buy — but surprised it would be this soon."
Whatever they do to the iOS, here's hoping its just terrific. I'd like to see some significant changes, not loosing the simplicity and the elegant feel though.
How could iOS possibly be behind? All they will probably add are one or two things that have been available via a jailbreak months ago and it's not as if they are about to change the same UI which they've been using since day one are they?
When jobs died the apple slowly started to go brown...
I wish that these Rumors should get 100% right like the way iPhone 5 rumors were, I'm so addicted with iPhone cant leave the ecosystem, but feeling bore with same UI as always
I just hope that if iOS is drastically overhauled it will be compatible with the iPhone 5. Here is hoping they don't pull a Microsoft/Nokia stunt where the Nokia Lumia 900 wasn't compatible with the new Windows Phone 8 OS. That would really suck.
most likely no - sorry - something needs to give -- yet -- if it does, many features would be disabled and the device responsiveness could be unbearably slow -- if the case, Apple will deny the upgrade path for 3gs