How to Change Your iPhone or iPad Carrier Logo Without Jailbreaking
Posted December 31, 2012 at 7:53pm by iClarified
These are instructions on how to change your iPhone or iPad's carrier logo without jailbreaking using CarrierEditor for Mac.
*Important: This will only work for carriers that use an image as their logo (ie. AT&T). It will not work for others that use text as their logo (ie. Sprint).
Step One Download CarrierEditor from here and save it on your desktop.
Step Two Navigate to your desktop then double click to mount the CarrierEditor dmg.
Step Three Drag the CarrierEditor application your Desktop or Applications folder.
Step Four Double click to launch the CarrierEditor application.
Step Five Once the application has opened click the Let's Get Started button.
Step Six You will be prompted to locate your Carrier Version Number.
Step Seven Launch Settings from the SpringBoard on your iPhone or iPad and choose General from the list of menu items.
Tap About from the General menu and locate the Carrier Version Number. The version number is located to the right of the carrier name. ie. AT&T 13.0
Input your Carrier Version Number into CarrierEditor and click Next.
Step Eight Pick your Device and Carrier from the dropdown boxes then click Next to continue.
Step Nine Drag in your new carrier logo images. There is one for when the status bar is black and another for when the status bar is light gray. The later should have an etched effect.
The logos should be max size of 60x20 or 120x40 for Retina Displays. They must be in the PNG format with a transparent background. ie. carrierlogo.png or carrierlogo@2x.png for Retina devices.
If you don't have your own logos you can find some pre-made ones in the DMG we previously mounted, under the ZeppelinLogos folder.
Click the Compile Carrier Update (.ipcc) button to continue.
Step Ten You will be informed that your newly compiled carrier update has been saved onto your desktop along with the original copy so you can revert back.
Step Eleven Launch iTunes from your dock.
Step Twelve Connect your device to the computer and select it from the navigation bar at the top right or the sidebar at the left if you are still using the old iTunes view.
Step Thirteen Make sure you are on the Summary tab then hold down the Option key and click Update.
Step Fourteen Navigate to your desktop and select the new .ipcc file we just created then click the Open button.
Step Fifteen Once your carrier settings have been updated the new logo should appear on your device within a few moments. If it does not, reboot your iPhone.
[Thanks: Mateen]
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I actually need this crap to work on my wife's phone since she works for T-Mobile and they won't allow her to have her phone on the sales floor cause it says Verizon on it, but it's not working!!! ... anyway, she has an iPhone 4S, v5.1.1 - does anyone know if this only works on v6.x?? she refuses to upgrade to v6.x
This only works for Verizon on the iPhone 5 due to the 5 using a sim card to reach the network (LTE). 3G only phones on a CDMA network (Verizon and Sprint) won't work for this due to the fact that the word "Verizon" is text not an image.
It works and it don't works…
I've iPhone 4 iOS 6.0.1 and Telekom Germany 13.0
The WHITE carrier logo for black bar works but the colored carrier logo for blue bar also shows me a withe logo instead the magenta one. WTF?!?
who gives a shit! we want a jailbreak not a stupid carrier change!.
I am seriously looking into Samsung Galaxy i the jailbreak is not available march 2013.
I fuuucking hate my Iphone 5 and Iphone 4S .I hardly use them anymore.
I think it gets created whenever you make your custom one. Another words once you export your new icon there is also automatically exported the original In the same file location
jailbreak is dead, apple soon will lose a lot of customer who like jailbreak too. this is not a good new. what people want to hear is jailbreak. happy holiday guy