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iPhone Dev-Team Details Which Devices Can Be Downgraded From iOS 6.x to iOS 5.x

iPhone Dev-Team Details Which Devices Can Be Downgraded From iOS 6.x to iOS 5.x

Posted September 19, 2012 at 6:38pm by iClarified
The iPhone Dev-Team has posted following the release of iOS 6 to detail which devices can be downgraded from iOS 6.x to iOS 5.x and which devices can be re-restored.

A few months back we released a redsn0w feature that lets you downgrade A5+ devices from 5.1.1 to anything lower (if you had saved blobs). Unfortunately once the 5.1.1 window closes, *redsn0w's 5.x downgrade feature will no longer work.* Most A5 users will not be able to downgrade. So if you're an A5+ owner up at 6.0 when the 5.1.1 window closes, you'll be stuck there without a jailbreak for now.

We're happy to report there are some serious deficiencies in the 5.x restore process that are permanently exploitable. They'll never be fixable by Apple because they're all self-contained in the 5.x IPSWs.

Here's the breakdown:
● A4 devices and 3GS will always be downgradable (and jailbreakable) due to limera1n. The tethered iOS6 jailbreak for those devices (and untethered for old-bootrom 3GS) will be out when Cydia and other important pieces are all working properly
● iPad2 owners who have both 4.x blobs and 5.x blobs will always be able to downgrade to those versions, even once you come up to 6.0 and the 5.1.1 window closes (don't do that yet though!). You need both 4.x and 5.x blobs to qualify for the downgrade even if you only wish to downgrade to 5.x
● iPad3, i4S (and iPad2 owners who don't satisfy #2) will always be able to RE-restore the current 5.x OS that's already on their device. So if you're at 5.1.1 when the window closes (and you've saved your blobs), you'll always be able to RE-restore to 5.1.1 again. This makes the 5.1.1 jailbreak a lot less fragile - you don't have to worry about messing up your install with funky extensions or getting into a boot loop, because you can always RE-restore from 5.1.1 to 5.1.1 again (or from 5.0.1 to 5.0.1 again, etc). But once you fall off the 5.x train by restoring to 6.x, you'll be stuck there until the next jailbreak.

Notably, re-restores and iPad 2 downgrades will leave you with the latest baseband so don't do this if you need an unlock.

The iPhone Dev-Team will release these new features in an update to RedSn0w that is coming shortly. In the meanwhile please backup your iOS 5.1.1 SHSH Blobs using one of the tutorials below.

To save your SHSH blobs you can use TinyUmbrella or RedSn0w. Links to the tutorials can be found below...



If you have any questions about the process you can submit a question using iClarified Answers.

iPhone Dev-Team Details Which Devices Can Be Downgraded From iOS 6.x to iOS 5.x
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Comments (24)
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Chris - July 18, 2013 at 3:58am
Help please, 3gs on vodaphone. I think I have bricked my phone I tried to install redsnow for a jailbreak, firstly every link i click says install this version that version then when I finally found one started the process its stuck at reboot, then when i look at your blog on tumbler I get attacked when it prompted me to login to tumblr. I thought this was a five minute job three hours now and I have a dead phone and a lot of blogs that conflict and contradict! what is going on? Any help would be welcomed.
Zorg - January 14, 2013 at 2:52pm
Hi. I have Iphone4s and its running 6.0.1. I do have saved SHSH 5.0.1 5.1.1, but i cant not downgrade/. I tried redsnow. it says that windows sign ticket is closed. what I need to do?
md - October 31, 2012 at 11:05pm
I don't have my blobs saved for ipsw 4.xx but i have it for 5.0.1 and 5.1 , can I restore it from 6.xx to any 5.xx ? i have ipad2 A5 device thank s
Angel - October 29, 2012 at 6:27pm
help! i have i4s and i have 5.0.1 firmware and then i accidentally click the update to 6.0. and i did not like it. i want to return to my previous firmware which is 5.0.1. how can i do this if i dont have shsh blobs saved? please big big help. asap! in details please. thanks so much in advance.
rm954 - October 20, 2012 at 1:51pm
so this ipad 2 is downgradeable on ios 6? well why am i getting an error every where i go. in itunes i get error 1600. in redsn0w i get error couldnt restore, or it gets stuck on the part where it says uploading iBEC. pls help, i have my shsh for ios 4 and ios 5
Hrishikesh P Deokar
Hrishikesh P Deokar - October 13, 2012 at 5:36am
sir i bought new iphone 5,i get tired without jailbreak so i can downgrade my iphone 5 ios 6 to ios 5.1.1 plz suggest
Louie Orama
Louie Orama - October 14, 2012 at 1:06am
Brother, I do NOT have an answer for you, but I TOO have the 5 (64) and am in the same boat as you. Please do me a favor and I will do the same should I hear anything: My name is Louie Orama and my email is the same ( If I hear anything, I will come back to this post and fill you in. You have my word. Thanks.
Pete - October 20, 2012 at 5:04pm
To answer the question ; as the iPhone 5 was never released with ios5 to start with, it will NEVER be downgradeable below IOS6. The reasons lie mainly in the fact that IOS5 was written for devices up to and including the iPhone 4S. Obviously I'm omitting the tablets Apple make and only mentioning phone compatibility.
shinepeter - September 29, 2012 at 10:32am
i was using locked 3gs jailbroken. i wrongly updated softwareto ios6. how will i unlock or jailbreak again using redsnow/absinthe. Pls Help....
TheCoose - October 1, 2012 at 12:41am
If you have your ssh blobs then it's easy and there are tutorials here for that. if you didn't save your ssh blobs, you're SOL
DemisesAngel - September 27, 2012 at 12:32am
If I understand this correctly, I need the SHSH Blobs for iOS 4.x in conjunction with 5.x because I have to go to 4.x, then 5.x? Just having my Blobs for 5.x won't let me go to 5.x?
lutznutz - September 23, 2012 at 6:46pm
Ok, so I have my SHSH blob for 5.1.1, how do I downgrade?
Cartman - September 22, 2012 at 8:50am
my stupid uncle restore my 4s to ios6, i have 5.0.1 and 5.1.1 blobs . i can downgrade back to one of them or i stuck with a useless phone for now ?
Hector medrano
Hector medrano - September 20, 2012 at 3:34am
Hey strange thing just happened i own an iphone 4 and i upgraded to ios 6 around 4pm today but about 10 mins ago i downgraded back to ios 5.1.1 and my baseband downgraded as well from 04.12.02 to 04.12.01 can anyone else confirm this??
jesus - September 20, 2012 at 3:52am
hey how exactly did you downgrade...i'm having trouble with my ios6, i cant use my phone unless i'm connected to the ac outlet, i disconnect and it wont turn on at all, i have tried a couple times to downgrade but havent been successful...
hector medrano
hector medrano - September 20, 2012 at 3:58am
i just connect it to itunes and hit restore and it finished. If it helps my phone was jailbroken on 5.1.1 so i think cydia saved my blobs but i dont understand how it downgraded the baseband as well
King - September 19, 2012 at 8:36pm
Da fuk is point of that? IOS 6 just came out and whoever decides to update to it, why would they downgrade?
romeo4julietz - September 20, 2012 at 6:21pm
Becoz iOS 6 sucks...Big Time!!!
King - September 20, 2012 at 6:47pm
Then y da fuk did u upgrade. U don't lik it don't upgrade, simple..
John Galt
John Galt - September 20, 2012 at 6:51pm
Because IOS 6 basically sucks on an iPhone 4 -- there is no Traffic Display and no Street View. Try commuting with the new Map App...
Faslane - September 20, 2012 at 9:59pm
Because like many people everyone is interested in iOS 6 and what it has to offer, what it looks like, etc. etc. etc. but if you don't like something in it, it's always nice to be able to downgrade back to a jailbroken iPhone 4S 5.1.1. I did the exact thing. The new features weren't good enough imo to warrant using a stock OS so I downgraded my 4S and am using it jailbroken on 5.1.1 until iOS 6 gets a jealbreak for A5 devices. It's actually very common and known to not update unless you know there's a downgrade or jailbreak option.
Faslane - September 20, 2012 at 10:05pm
Because you can't simply read about new features and know exactly if you'll like them.... you have to actually try them out to get a grasp of whther or not you're going to like/use them over a long period... Also very common knowledge. ;-)
a bee
a bee - September 23, 2012 at 4:50am
i didnt save the shsh blobs of my 5.1.1 and the entire downgrade was keep stuck at error 3194 how do i get/download if possible the shsh blobs to be restored to make my ios 6 downgraded back to 5.1.1? do you happen to know? please enlighten many thanks :D
Baba1 - September 19, 2012 at 8:02pm
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